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Everything posted by Rick

  1. That's what I figured but that doesn't work for me. I put the oil drum in my scene, which has a texture on top of the opening so that's how I would tell if it's rotating, I press the rotation button on the tool bar, then I left click and hold on any of the axis lines and no matter where I move my mouse the drum doesn't rotate. Scale works for me so I obviously get the concept , but I can't rotate anything. I have never been able to rotate with 2.3 but was just not concerned with it until now. [EDIT] The rotate buttons on the toolbar work. hmmm
  2. I can't rotate an object. How do you rotate an object in the editor.
  3. Does anyone have code or know where some code is to scale/position/rotate a texture on a model? It can be any language, I should be able to translate it to lua.
  4. It doesn't seem to let me call :Free() on a material. In CreateObject(): object.mat = LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") In object:Free(): if object.mat ~= nil then object.mat:Free() end When I save the lua file I get "Index for object is not a valid field or method"
  5. Also, where did you get a video to work with?
  6. glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGB,w-1,h-1,0, GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,f->getBuffer()); That looks to be the only gl command you are calling. What exactly is that doing and was there no LE way of doing it? I'd like to try and get a lua object around this but don't think I can use the gl commands in lua.
  7. Rick

    weather system

    I think it's the locker because if I take a slightly different angle I can see a blue blur square which would be the water plane.
  8. Must be a youreapeeing thing I've never heard anyone in the states make that reference before in my 30 years of life
  9. lol that actually did it. Very odd.
  10. Come again? I deleted the scripts & models folder and redownloaded those. I also deleted the editor and redownloaded that and it's still happening. ><
  11. Something is very strange with my wsad key movement in the editor now. If I load a new scene and only the directional light and try moving with my wsad keys it's like the camera is fighting with something else trying to do something else with the camera. It goes in the direction but then comes back. If I hold it down it's freaking out. If the directional light is the only thing in my scene and there is no camera stuff in that script, what else could be causing this issue?
  12. Rick

    weather system

    Ok, so I'm trying to understand how this would go down. I made a small scene. The first image is a side shot of what is in the scene. A water plane at the ground level, a barrel at the ground level, and a locker model that is higher floating in the air. The second image is when I turn my camera looking straight down on these items (which is what Josh suggested). The third image is when I turn the camera projection to orthogonal with the following command: // Allows me to switch back and forth if KeyHit(KEY_P) == 1 then CameraProjMode(fw.main.camera, 1) end if KeyHit(KEY_O) == 1 then CameraProjMode(fw.main.camera, 2) end So what am I seeing in that last image? It's just a flat rectangle. I assume that's the locker? I don't see the barrel or the water plane. How would taking the depth buffer of the orthogonal image help me to determine where rain doesn't go like Josh was saying?
  13. Rick

    weather system

    That makes sense. What sucks is that it looks like the value is assigned somewhere. Like texcoord0 is assigned somewhere hidden from us. Well not obvious in that code anyway.
  14. Rick

    weather system

    So any good sites to learn this stuff because looking at mesh_shadow.frag: uniform sampler2D texture0; varying vec2 texcoord0; void main(void) { if (texture2D(texture0,texcoord0).a<0.5) discard; } I'm pretty lost. I can assume texture0 is the texture0 that I assign in the .mat file, but after that I'm lost. I mean, I see the discard which is good since that's what I'd need, but no clue what texture2D(texture0, texcoord0).a is and why it's being checked if it's < 0.5. Some comments in these things would be handy.
  15. Rick

    weather system

    Good explanation!
  16. Rick

    buffer access

    Which you can expose to lua.
  17. Rick

    buffer access

    Yeah, I'm a visual person and would just like to see it for one of my scenes.
  18. Just rotate the planet model if you want that to rotate. The pivot you place inside the sun is rotating which rotates the planet around the sub. Then just rotate the planet. They the be rotated at different speeds.
  19. Rick

    weather system

    You seem to understand this Pixel. I'll ask you so Josh can do other more important things. So what does this mean? How would this stop rain from going into places it shouldn't? I get that if you are looking down on your player and take a depth snapshot, the things closest to the camera will come through, but not following that last part.
  20. Rick

    buffer access

    Seems the GetColorBuffer(BackBuffer(), 0) produces a nil value.
  21. Rick

    buffer access

    That doesn't help much for the people using lua. Which is the forum that I posted this in. I do agree that trying to edit the framework is not a wise decision. Lumooja, have you tried taking screenshots in the editor via the backbuffer yet? I see in another post in C/C++ you mentioned how to do it. I took that and put in a script and I get that damn exception error when it runs. Any ideas? if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) == 1 then SaveBuffer( GetColorBuffer(BackBuffer(),0), "Rick", 99 ); end Ideally this all revolves around me wanting to eventually see the depth buffer and what it looks like. I have a hard time imagining how it looks and what the shaders are "seeing" in it.
  22. Rick

    buffer access

    So, currently no there isn't or there is a callback function and the name escapes you of what it is? It confuses me as to why things get hidden from us. Shouldn't we be able to decide how to use things? Even something like the framework, everything should be exposed to us to use and abuse if we wish. I can't understand why it wouldn't be.
  23. Rick

    buffer access

    Do we have access to the buffers used in the framework? If so how do we access them?
  24. Rick

    weather system

    Damn shader programming. I'm pretty sure everything will be shader programming in the future. I really need to learn it because you can do so much stuff.
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