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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Rick

    Key down

    I mean telling me what key was down vs me going through them all like I have to do with KeyDown. A KeyPress function that returns the key code if one was pressed would be nice.
  2. Rick

    Key down

    So the Script has a callback for KeyDown and KeyUp. What is that doing internally and is there a polling way to check this or some way I can check this outside of a Script callback? I have my own Lua class and need to check for a key down and hoping to avoid looping over all the keys to check this if possible.
  3. I live and breath VS so I would personally prefer that.
  4. 4096x4096 is the biggest terrain size you can make from the editor
  5. This seems a little accusatory with what is capitalized lol. As others have said the engine itself has a workshop where people can make models and such to sell to other people (although I think he put this on hold for now). If you just want to make a game and sell it somewhere LE will not take ANY of your MONEY!
  6. LE is not open source. It can run open world map but I'm not 100% on the size.
  7. I do 1 on 1 training over voice skype for $10/hr for leadwerks with Lua. I share my desktop and show things. Send me a PM here and we can talk about a schedule and topics if you want to explore this option. I've trained many others already.
  8. I was wondering when I saw your post about this because the game launcher only allows sandboxed Lua games as shad mention.
  9. I'd love to be able to make web calls. Specifically I'd make rest web api calls and that way I could save/retrieve game data online, but yeah saving locally would be nice too. I still think making your own require() would be nice too. Add networking ability somehow, and you have yourself a system that can make a complete game.
  10. I feel like the sandbox should be opened up some before selling games on the launcher.
  11. Use the animation manager class. Look at the AI scripts for example on usage.
  12. Rick

    Initial Thoughts on VR

    @game when did I say that?
  13. Rick

    Initial Thoughts on VR

    I would not put le's future into vr. vr has burned people since its creation decades ago. If those parameters you mentioned hold true to augmented reality then at least it's a hedge because right now it's unclear which will win out I think.
  14. This is what nw.js was created for. If only ppl would be more open to the web tech stack on the desktop. This does look better than the last launcher!
  15. So are the os events the thing that keeps you tied to bmax still or you just done want to change that part?
  16. Ah it's under compound! ty sir
  17. He says it already has that but I don't see it.
  18. Abstraction overload!
  19. Given we have no donut csg trying to do this with the available csg brushes we have with a circle island would be a nightmare to work with. How would you do it? About 50 boxes? Give is a donut and then we can make a giant one around the island.
  20. Yes, reepblue that is the workaround we will be using but it's far from ideal. This is the suggestion forum.
  21. I'd be careful with that as you might have walkable ares to another close island that has waist high water only. I understand that's probably easier for you to do but it'll limit us some and won't be as flexible for the users.
  22. I think you can also tell SetScript to not call the Start function, via a param, and then call it yourself after SetScript and pass values in that way.
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