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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Note that this will give you a physics shape that you probably don't want for a prop.
  2. This is available in C++ already so I assume you mean exposing this to Lua? Of course you are still restricted to the calculation considering the character controller size for the path found.
  3. You are correct. I missed that. Man it's been a long day. I'll be quite now. We used to be able to control these
  4. Somewhere Josh listed these out so we can see the setup. Have to find it.
  5. Collisions react to physics. If your prop has a shape to it then it should react.
  6. Also make sure the name is "ball" exactly in your scene. Also how are you judging it's reacting? What do you have hooked up to the collision output to test this?
  7. @afecelis Saw your IM with questions so I sent you a PM with the answers. Looking forward to working with you!
  8. If inside an entity script you can do: App.window:KeyDown(Key.A) If inside App.lua self.window:KeyDown(Key.a) You were so close with many variations that you had If you want to get caught up quickly on Lua for LE you can schedule some 1 on 1 training via the link in my sig. Each 1 hour session is only $10 and I go through all of this stuff. I explain all of this stuff and you'll understand Lua for LE at a more lower level and why these things are the way they are.
  9. There are different ways to do what you are asking. Someone could do all of this straight in the App file (Lua or C++) or one could use the flowgraph and entity scripts to do this. Those are really the 2 main ways to do something.
  10. You have to identify the ball somehow. You can just use it's name if you like. Inside the collision box script you can check the passed in entity "name" key value to see if it's the ball. if entity:GetKeyValue("name") == "Ball" then end Assuming the balls name in the editor is called "Ball"
  11. As long as people can still get paid that's cool with me. Everyone has to eat.
  12. Hey rghmodz, My times are basically Sat/Sun 9am, 10am, 9pm, & 10pm. During the week it's just 9pm & 10pm. If you want custom times we can talk, but I need to have some advanced notice so I can plan it with my wife so she knows I'll be busy at that time.
  13. Intended only if you change something in the file right? I still think it's overwriting even if you don't make a change to it.
  14. I notice you show the grid the player is in, but what about hiding the grid the player leaves? This seems like it would accumulate over time as the player is moving reducing it's benefit. I wonder if you could automatically make a pivot inside each grid and set each entity in the grid as a child to said pivot and that way you could hide/show just the pivots and all children will go with it? Just an idea.
  15. Zombies are a given.
  16. When I navigate to the Leadwerks.exe and make a shortcut I don't have a Web Document tab to place that data into. Win 8.1 here. Also, this isn't just about LE it's everything. If I try to launch a game from Steam Library it freezes as well.
  17. Animated models too? I think First person arm variations where different weapons can be mounted on them would be hugely useful for a lot of people.
  18. Same here Dan. I'm dead in the water with Steam atm.
  19. @YouGroove This sort of thing will be helpful with thick forest areas where you can't get a high vantage point to see far distances. I think combined with some fog and an LOD would be perfect.
  20. I think that collision output is firing every frame which would make sense as to why it seems like all 4 are playing. It's probably playing constantly while you are inside the collision and on top of each other making it sound horrible right? Look in my sig for the wiki link and use the Lua section and look for the collision trigger script there. This one has an OnEnter and OnLeave that you can use to make it trigger once per collision.
  21. Guessing this has to do with the sandbox mode thing Josh put in. By default this is enabled which restricts access to certain things like writing files. Do a search for sandbox on here to see a couple threads about it.
  22. Sorry, I meant using LE's built-in entity view distance setting. @YouGroove There really isn't any relation with how many of something and Lua when you have a system like this. At that point it becomes about memory mostly and Lua will use as much memory as you have available.
  23. So is this sort of like an LoD system then? If you are on a hill looking down I assume you might not see some stuff on the terrain in a distance? If there any difference than using the camera entity distance?
  24. @Shadmar Why is this better than LE managing the models? Just trying to gauge how you got such small fps drop with so many objects. Is this part of your shader?
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