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  1. is this correct ? http://store.steampowered.com/software/ $89 on Steam, $199 from store Edit: the word 'upgrade' is not used, rather a statement about the indie version having to be installed ie an upgrade
  2. What's the point of a pre-order ? ..... am I missing something here ?
  3. Are those 'extra features' only for the Standard build too ? Thanks for your patience
  4. I have no interest in Steam other than using it as a shop window to see what's available and to read peoples comments and reviews. I have an account but Steam is not installed on my PC. If I purchased the Standard version, would I need Steam running to access upgrades or anything else might I need ? Thanks
  5. Thanks Aggror. I have to purchase the Standard version as I don't wish to use Steam. In reality, I like the idea of writing dlls to hook into Lua and so I don't actually need the C++ option. I wish you could just purchase the indie version without Steam. Please don't ask why I don't want to use Steam. Thanks. (if you are wondering why I am writing everything without paragraph breaks, it's because I cannot use the return key whenever I come on this forum !! ???)
  6. Just out of curiosity, why is the addition of C++ scripting going to double the price ?
  7. Having researched Lua a little, I am not averse to using it. I also found out about hooking up C DLLs with Lua which would be fun.
  8. If you purchase the Indie version from Steam (well you have to) can Leadwerks run standalone without having to further use Steam. In other words, can you merely use Steam to purchase and upgrade and then use Leadwerks completely independent of Steam ?
  9. @Aggror When I said documentation, I really meant 'tutorials'.
  10. I am interested in purchasing a Leadwerks 3.1 Standard licence when it becomes available. I have good experience in Unity, CryEngine and UDK SDK as I teach these subjects. What I am primarily interested in is giving my students more C++ programming challenges and this is an area that I think they need to do more. From what I can see, Leadwerks would appear to meet this requirement. I have a few questions please: 1. Is an educational discount available for, say, 17 Standard licenses ? 2. Would it work on a college network and are there other college using it already? 3. I understand the game is royalty free but does the executable have a water mark or any reference to Leadwerks eg a splash screen ? 4. Is more documentation planned ? (Please don't ask me to send this to support) Thanks
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