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Blue Solitare

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  1. I'm trying to figure out how this is done and how much work this is going to take. I have found a few posts of people getting it to work, but little information on how. I know that Newton has it's own implementation for Ragdoll, but are those features implemented/available in LE? Any help would be great! Thanks, Blue
  2. So how complete is this latest version with regard to the LE engine? Can I do everything with the C# headers as can be done with the C++?
  3. How complete is the latest version? I'm just trying to decide if/when I should jump to the C# libraries..
  4. I think "had" is the operative word. I recall reading in a post from Josh that they were added by mistake.
  5. Looks good Ubu, you've made some great progress since I last saw what you were working on.
  6. Thanks for tracking that down. So is there a work around?
  7. My mistake, this is not a gamelib question but a LEO question. I've tried: game.engine.SetWireframe(1); game.engine.SetWireframe(true); ::Wireframe(1); ::Wireframe(true); None of which do anything. I've stepped through the code and the leWireframe(mode) method is getting called, but no wireframe. I've tried placing the call throughout my main with no effect. As a test I ran the project wizard and created a new project with the spinning cube and set wireframe(true) and it also didn't work. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks, Blue
  8. What's the secret to get into wireframe mode when using gamelib? I'm calling game.engine.SetWireframe(1) before my main loop and I'm not getting wireframe?? Thanks, Blue
  9. Good point! I'll try it out.. Thanks for the help.
  10. Wouldn't hiding entities cause a flickering effect or cause them to go away all together? What I'm trying to do is find a replacement for glReadPixels for two reasons: 1. It's slow and expensive 2. It reads the closets pixel to the camera (in my situation), which in many cases is not what I want due to having other objects in the scene. I only want to read the terrain pixels. Is there a way (RenderWorld?) to only render the terrain, read my terrain, then render the rest of the scene?
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. I implemented the CameraProject() method from the example and things mostly work. The problem is with the glReadPixels() method. Is there another LE method that could be used to replace glReadPixels, it's really expensive. It also causes a problem in situations where the cursor is mousing over something other then the terrain, which is what I need to project to. I'm getting a false projection. I'm using LEO, if it makes a difference. Thanks, Blue
  12. Does LE have a built in 2D mouse to 3D scene projection method? If so, what is it named? Thanks, Blue
  13. Another way to approach the Mac/Windows/Linux problem is to have LE run via a web browser plugin ala Unity and a couple of other engines. This is really only good for smaller games, but it would be nice non-the-less.
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