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Blue Solitare

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Everything posted by Blue Solitare

  1. Sorry for the delayed response to yours: That was this missing bit. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hello, function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) ... function object:Init() class.sound=LoadSound('abstract::sound1.wav') end ... function object:Update() value = object.model:GetSourceState(class.sound) end end When I try to run the script I get "Index for object is not a valid field or method". According to documentation, GetSourceState will return the enumeration SourceState::Stopped/Playing/Paused. I've tried "tonumber", with no success. How do you deal with enumerations in Lua? Thanks, Blue
  3. I'm getting an unhandled exception when I use the new Project Wizard (2.3.1 Beta 4) to create a Gamelib project and execute the application after a successful compile. The unhandled exception is in Window::Create(void) line 8 (hwnd = GetFocus(); ) Call Stack: > SecondSquad-Debug.exe!Window::Create() Line 8 + 0x12 bytes C++ SecondSquad-Debug.exe!TScene::Initialize(int sx0=1024, int sy0=768, int fullscreen=0) Line 353 C++ SecondSquad-Debug.exe!Game::Initialize(int sx0=1024, int sy0=768, int fullscreen=0) Line 542 C++ SecondSquad-Debug.exe!main() Line 28 C++ SecondSquad-Debug.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 586 + 0x19 bytes C SecondSquad-Debug.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 403 C Any suggestions would be great.
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