This is my story. I purchased some animated zombies and other stuff from Arteria3d to save time, and to learn how to use animated cool models in LE 3.1. I ordered several types animated bipeds, the fancy ones being what they call there OBM ( one base male ), the models (zombies) come with all these cool clothes on, and the idea is you can select a group and hide the different clothes.
Well I couldn't resist, so I bought one, loaded it into UU3D and I could see the groups, materials, bones. UU3D had no trouble letting me hide groups and play animations, so I thought I was good to go, so I bought more stuff, woohoo !
So I loaded the zombie.fbx model into LE 3.1 , it creates the mdl, success! Looks grey thou, so I load in all the jpg textures, and generate the material files, and set each to use anim shader. I place Zombie girl in the LE 3.1 Editor, and she has texture now !
Wait she looks like she has all her clothes on (like she has five blouses, two pants, lots of layers all on at once), that's no good. So, I thought I'd just do findchild on the group and hide each blouse etc.. Argh, the findchild doesn't find anything ( FindChild is for bones), so I loaded the LE 3.1 model viewer, but all I see are bones (didn't think she was that skinny).
Posted to LE 3.1 website to get help, I'm not sure anyone understood my delima I was in. Josh said the animated models get reduced down to single surface. what to do?
I decided to make all the clothes transparent and see what I was dealing with, drawmode=0 didn't work, but blendmode=invisible did, all the clothes went away, except for a grey head (mesh)! The head is attached to a bone so I think I can remove that mesh and maybe be ok there. Anyways I make a few of the clothes blendmode=solid and add them back on, it works, but the model looks semi transparent, it's like the invisible textures made the single surface special, so maybe shaders would be better for the invisible clothes.
wondering if somehow I can attach a bone to each of the vertex groups if then I could hide them?
That's the story so far.