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  1. My EXE will not build though as it has unlinked references from the .o files to LE objects. Now I am using leo.h and leo.cpp rather than the engine files but I assumed the leo files were enough.
  2. Hi I am trying to link a program with Eclipse + CDT + MinGW. The compile and .o files are all fine but the link to the .dll is not working. As there are no .a or .lib files with the DLLs shipped is there something I need to do to enable linking? Many Thanks
  3. jockmacmad

    LE IDE

    If your looking to go multi-platform then using VS as a base maybe a limiting factor unless you manage to rig some cross-compiler stuff in... It's been a very long time since I did C++ (10 years) so I am not sure what the other options are you could look into these days. Thats the problem with having me gone across to Java as that every man and his dog using are Eclipse for IDE's so as I say I'm out of touch on the C++ front.
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