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  1. Email I sent to contact was never answered or I never got any answer at least. I have a workstation upstairs. I checked the license in the software directly, I was hoping to gather my key but it only says standard. Is there away to collect the license key on my computer???
  2. what do you mean? I bought the full license @$ 149 or $ 199 if I remember correctly and it was here on this website. I have steam of course but it is not in my library nor is it free! How do I download and install Leadwerks on this laptop with the proper key license I purchased?
  3. Hello, I am happy to have a new laptop. I purchased Leadwerks a while back, a year or so ago from this website. Where do I go to download leadwerks? I cannot find it anywhere :-( Thank you
  4. Video games will be made from my dreams the day computer can understand my dream and thoughts. In the meantime we can only interpret what we want the game to be like.
  5. My bad, An email was sent to me on my daughter's birthday and then I was not back online until next week end so I missed the grand standalone opening :/ Thanks anyway
  6. you can run Steam Offline, it is not necessary to have it online to play games, same must apply to Leadwerks. Although When are Standalone users capable to finally download Leadwerks Standalone?!?! Are there still so many bugs that the standalone cannot ship for digital downloads? I wait since March but others wait since well longer while we all see Steam version user playing, toying, tinking with Leadwerks. Any estimated time?
  7. I have a different number, might this number be for reference to help Leadwerks somehow if issue(s) arise?!?! In any case, if it says you are pending for payment or software paid already then all is good. You will able to download the engine as soon as it is released. I would guess, keep checking for your payment to go from prending to "paid", the engine will be yours as soon as it is released. Thanks Gamecreator, I was not aware of name>Client Area>Transaction
  8. Cassius, Tree may seem high in polycount indeed but I do not believe in polygon shrinker, I always had issues somehow where quads become tris here and there, or deformation is such that the model did not remotely look like the original. Try and see, I hope you get better result. Though this is not the last step you can use. You can also go dirty, open the model somehow in a 3D application, look at the mesh model and look at the faces and edges in UV editor, then cut faces or edges and reform where it is convenient to you. Also you can do some retopology, it is not a traditional method per se on low polygonal mesh but hey who says there is a rule to anything 3D coat is pretty good for retopo, I prefer to 3D coat to Maya 2012 or Max 2012 for example. Rastar, Yes I just found Forester yesterday, it is affordable. They have 3 types of license, though the reason why I did not purchase right away is with license aggrement page that I need to re-read again, I was in a hurry and flew over license agreement. it sounded quite strange whereas no matter what happens, assets are foresters property (I hope I am completely wrong and misunderstood everything).
  9. Hi Gamecreator, I just bought per-order 3.1 and I am waiting too Hopefully it should not be too long til it is released.
  10. Cassius, Look into branch tab in sub-division, maybe there are too many branches, Uncheck Cross Horiz. geometry and uncheck cross vert. geometry if you do not need them. Also look for both trunk sub division.
  11. Hello, Ok all truth said, I found out about Leadwerk from Steam and flew over Leadwerks for a game engine ever since like a vulture over its prey in a dry desert. Passing through all metaphors I bought Leadwerks 3.1 pre-order from leadwerks website @ $199.00 I did not receive any download link or Email information regarding downloading Leadwerks 3.1 pre-order. I received an Email from Leadwerks "Thank you for your payment for Leadwerks 3.1 Pre-Order. Your payment has been received and your purchase is now active." Since it is a pre-order so I assume nobody can download it. This post and question is to confirm I should wait until Leadwerks send me an email with a download link or did something go awry and I should be able to download Leadwerk 3.1 from somewhere? Thanks in advance
  12. Planning a game demands long efforts and easy pizzy flow writing and free thinking... well to some extents. You have 2 forms of documentations.\ 1) GDD Game Design Document 2) TDD Technical Design Document Most only use GDD and flair in some TDD elements. You want to have your own TDD when the game you want to create is such an innovation on platform and/or demands such expertize in 1 or more areas that everything needs to be drawn and written down. If you have Word or Open office. then look on Google for GDD template. They are not the best of the best but definitely good to give you cues and clues of what is needed in a GDD even if it is only for yourself. Remember that it may sound stupid your game is a solo fantasy RPG game for example but if you do not write it down then over the weeks your game may turn into MP Goth-like hack and slash. that is why if you are not used to GDD then some of those questions may seem really stupid but they are there for a good reason. Also look on gamasutra.com for GDD template or GDD tutorial or anything related to GDD. Also as it has been noted several times. Articy: Draft SE is like a bomb shell of for mind mapping or in other word exactly what you want to do when you stated " a bit of story line and I find myself struggling ". this software is going to help your story and character flow better and help you make better connection or see better storyline can come out. This software also serves for GDDs and may even be used for TDD. This is avery strong piece of software whose latest version just came out recently and it is not hard to dive in and helps you makes your game on paper
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