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Everything posted by MilitaryG

  1. I do care about it when I'm starting to build not when I start to learn the beginnings ______ I'm doing this with monodevelop and I managed to include Leadwerks.h by copying whole include that's from Leadwerks install dir in to GAC(The Global Assembly cache) and had to do: #include "Include/Leadwerks.h" BUT 1 problem it seems includes does not have all of it's own includes. Include/OpenGL.h line 28 GL/glew.h but GL dir does not exist and so does not glew.h now what? I thought I managed to solve it but I guess I didn't, ...
  2. ok is there anything I should include? and can we get a little bit slower I don't really care if it global and very little as I'm just starting. and something little and simple would do. ok let me show the errors only of the 1. class: 4. ‘Entity’ does not name a type 6. expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token 7. ‘Entity’ has not been declared 9. ‘Camera’ has not been declared 10. ‘Camera’ has not been declared or am I doing something wrong?
  3. yes I do understand c++ needs to be compiled and all, but still how would I do that? a simple functional code function Script:Start() self.entity:SetPosition (10,10,10) end would do to get me started. truthfully the more I learn lua the less I like it.
  4. and how do I help my self with that? attaching lua script to object is like this: http://snag.gy/i78BZ.jpg and how would that page help me do that for c++?
  5. I've learned how to add / create lua scripts to object what about c++? how should I procide for c++ scripts to be run on objects?
  6. hmmmm, ... I tried to reproduce the bug but seems that my 1. steps don't work any more or I might even skip few, ... anyway my dad said he had weird issues with ATI drivers with some games after switching to Nvidia that he needed to complettely format PC. that could also be the issue that I experienced this weird behavior, ...
  7. ok this is weird, ..... My LE just crashed so I had to restart and I didn't change anything and now it works, I mean I can see the box if I run now, ...
  8. WTH how can you fly around? there's no scripts for camera or whatso ever, ... I meant I do see box in editor but I don't see it when I run the game, ...
  9. ha ha ok I made duplicate because I didn't know how else to attach file - map as you groove suggested, ...
  10. Ok I've made a simple box lightning and camera to observe this all I get is black. I went looking at different projects how it's done, ... But I saw no mayor difference between my camera AND camera in that working scene, ... and I'm pretty sure it's looking at the box, ... what am I missing? - sorry for making duplicate didn't find how to attach a file on edit, ... Learning1.zip
  11. Actually from the editor. I'm learning to get used to engine and seems that I'm failing at basics, ... all I did is: add a camera Seems there has to be more to it witch I cannot find what else.
  12. Ok I've made a simple box lightning and camera to observe this all I get is black. I went looking at different projects how it's done, ... But I saw no mayor difference between my camera AND camera in that working scene, ... what am I missing?
  13. This are the not updated render this is the good render field 160
  14. Is there ability to invert mouse in LE editor? like if I move my thumb forward it would look down instead of up? if you are curios this is what I'm used to from age of 3 now I'm 25, ...
  15. WTH, ... why does it work doing such small change, ...
  16. is this RL picture or is it really good graphics with very bad road, ... I can't tell, ...
  17. as Admin said "for now" well that's for now and probably in future there will be optional steam key or LE key.
  18. ah well I guess I'll have to buy 2 LE 3.1 to get it as I desire, ... Anyway it won't cost me much as I have a plan to give josh another 150€ if the Engine really is gr8 as I've read. and another 150€ next year even if I won't need the features that were created. but I give my self a target that at least 500$ and max 1.5k$ I would spend to support Good Linux Engine Editor. why max 1.5k$? - because I was ready to spend 1.5k to support unity 3D engine if they port it to Linux, but they will never see my money. I think my budget to josh is pretty much very high as I'm an indie dev. ALSO If my games will get reputation and I'll get money I might support this engine pretty much allot more than today. because I'll have budget witch I'll be able to spend.
  19. I think Josh will start something on bug fixing, ... I think he invested loads of time for Linux editor I read that he was working on LE alone till today and I read that he's next step is to hire few people. Witch means more hands - also means more bug solving. I don't think it's just the features I think it's also stable system that matters most and above all platforms on witch you can make and publish.
  20. I kinda disliked all the LE tutorials I saw, too much handholding and no scripting. I'll probably do bunch of tutorials my self, as there's non good ones on net. But as I saw you being able to do bunch of stuff with scripting - that's my place. But I'll have to learn my way around LE first. I just hope I'll like it. Josh says I will, so I have a good faith in it.
  21. I preordered, is it possible to have both? OLD style and steam? Asking because I might want to use workshop in future, but I'm no fan of steam. So that if I desire to install LE I might install it over steam or without steam. OFC it will happen that I'll install LE more than just once. 1. Windows so that I translate my Unity projects to LE. 2. Linux. and if I'll want to change the distribution or hardware or whatever I'll install it 3 or more times.
  22. ah now I get it thanks yeah I know he doesn't have to, I was just wandering.
  23. Kickstarter pleged: 42,358$ And I was wandering how many are there of us that didn't pledge on Kickstarter but actually Payed for Preorder. I think the sum is more for at least 1k, ... if not more I ain't sure. also Offtopic Q why is LeadWerks LE I'm constantly seeing this in forum why not LW - Lead Werks
  24. wait won't we get License code on this site? I bought Preorder here, ...
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