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Everything posted by MilitaryG

  1. @GameCreator how do you make a ragdoll? I guess it's a similar thing and try turning head manually of ragdoll. tho I don't know why you have joints but whatever, ...
  2. I think it can be done but the system that's in your mind is complicated, so is programming it.
  3. OK I do get it so Look my second post, ... as first one is totally out of scope. Ok first thing what other things. 1. Start SLOWLY!!!!! After each number test your code!!! 2. make static map and ball - ball must not affect map position. !!!! 3. make column on map as child of map - columns must not affect map position !!!! 4. throw ball in to column - column must not move but ball must react !!!! 5. rotate the map. grant parent - everything must rotate correctly !!! 6. if all steps went well you have skeleton you wanted. IF not don't go further !!!!! solve what you still can't solve. and most importantly now you have a mini project to deal with code stripped down in to a just a fraction and it's easy to deal with.
  4. Are this meshes of enemies, materials and show of trailer scene included with engine, or is it only raw skeleton?
  5. Also I just done some tests in Unity, saw that if to "map" components is rigidbody attached the children will react to each other. BUT if map has only parent with component with rigidbody than children won't react to each other BUT entire map will react to outer physics. Also if you don't need map to be aplied from outer physics why do you have map as physics reaction? Make map static colliders and just rotate the parent Entity. and forces of ball or whatever will not interact with map but will apply it's forces on it's self only. so if ball and map get's in contact ball will move BUT map won't. I'm only guessing there's a possibility to do this - my sig says it all, ...
  6. why don't you rotate camera and ball instead?
  7. I'm actually doing that with 2 things: array and parenting. once I don't need room I just throw in pool all child objects. but once I need room that's when I access array and load the objects from pool OFC they are positioned depending on the array. for easier creating array I did my self an automated function witch written me the array of rotation and quaternion.
  8. not really LOS is first checking if it's in front of you, after that you just raycast IF ray from you to target is clean. so if it returnes target it means it can see if returns wall or nothing means it cannot see OR it's too far away to pick anything.
  9. well rick is it more efficient than looking if it's less than 45° on the forward ray?
  10. I believe it's going to be in Tar.gz just like any other software that's not supported by distribution. And you'll have to build it manually. I'm not sure but I think you'll need to build in root. Well if that will be option I'll try to build it in root and guest as I'm wandering to what system files it does need access to change, ... Either in guest it'll crash OR nothing will happen when I'll give a certain command, ... BUT I would be pretty much amaized if it would be in reporsitory. - that's where you can only install with root, and there's automatization for build.
  11. I guess headache applies to the screen brightness. I do get headache if the screen has too much brightness. It was hard for me to find the LCD with possibility to set brightness as low as possible. Many people can't read black on white on my screen but thing is I can see better in dark than most people. So I guess getting the brightness on lower levels in VR screens would be the first part for saving the headaches. As for me and my standarts I probably won't get 1 for gaming for at least 10 years, cuz most companies never listen to customers. problem with screens is: If you set brightness to 0 it should be black. But once my dad bought me an LCD 19ˇ or something for birthday I lowered brightness and everything on 0 and my eyes still started to cry after looking 20 seconds. I was covering my eyes with hands to adjust the settings - it was horrible. But yes I do agree you probably won't use VR to develop but mouse or like you have: pain table.
  12. Well actually if you give me a clasic mouse my arm starts to hurt and I start to get angry on the clasic mouse after few minutes. what I use is trackball mouse - we call it just mouse, .... but what the heck I'm moving my mouse with my thumb. muscles get's adjusted and mind get's used to the thing, ... no big deal, ... but only shifting to less efficient -> no thanks, ... and that's more efficient in my opinion
  13. I didn't said integrated I said possible to make. and yes most suggested using raknet. why I would I add this is because in Unity 3D it's impossible to make p2p networking.
  14. hey improve it a bit, ... Does Leadwerks 3.1 have any build in Networking support? No. Is it possible to create peer to peer in Leadwerks 3.1? Yes. well I don't have proof but I've asked about it and I got positive responce. but yes I do believe this has gotten forgot as I was searching for this and couldn't find it, ... Also why isn't this pinned?
  15. fjufff, ... glad it exists, ... wait so you can't parrent them in scene?
  16. wait you want to say you've never encountered parenting in LeadWerks? Oh my, ... if that's the case you'll need to implement it your self, ... I can't say that's easy, ...
  17. sorry don't know how newton engine works, I ment for you to make your own kind of "phisics engine" I also can't help much with scripts as I don't have tools. All I have is tools for Unity 3D and knowledge from there. I'm still waiting for 3.1 to be released, ... but anyway let say you make boat parent of motor. now motor is 45° turned and boat rotates in direction that motor is for 0.45° each frame. but because motor is child of boat the motor will stay at 45° and it will not turn. but boat will turn. well if you want to do with complete physics well good luck with that as people wanted to do it for normal walking and ended up using simulations - too much performance effective, ....
  18. by proper parenting I mean making 2+ objects. if you rotate the motor you don't want to rotate the boat. BUT the boat should slowly want to rotate in direction of witch the motor is or is it inverse direction, not sure, ... how fast it would turn you have to adjust that numbers in script.
  19. MilitaryG

    Time to Linux

    afaik the content of games only shows in mags IF the company pays for that not if game is good enough. I've never saw AAA game in any mags. except in good old days.
  20. still it's kinda same thing except that "motor" is not on the middle but rear. now like others said if there's a point force than use that else do it as I said. experimenting and tweeking and you'll get the numbers right, ...
  21. well I don't know for my self. OFC it would be easyer for me if I'd have C# as I'm programming with C# in unity 3D BUT I think I'll get used to C++ Also I think it won't be that hard deal to do it, ... what I mostly care about right now is getting Game Engine to Linux. AND dump windows for gooooooood. Oh yes I'm a windows hater for a reason.
  22. oh this sounds it'll take another month till 3.1 released, ... I'm kinda sad right now.
  23. well IF you are only protecting the data you don't need to store the password. only thing you need to do is jumble the bit code and if wrong password is presentated you get jumbeled data. if you present right password you get data back in the correct order. but giving wrong passwords you could get anything from beautifull picture to beautifull song to just jumbeled data most of the times, ... would kinda be easyer to make stuff your self than doing it with force password breaker.
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