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  1. This just proves YouGroove's point The difference in the framerate is due to the hardware disparity.
  2. Thanks for the response! It's a lot clearer what your goal is, now.
  3. Right now I'm using an older version of LE. I have my reasons for not upgrading. But I ask the question because it's too vague. What posible way is there to turn gamers into developers, when most of them don't have experience in this?!?
  4. Always thought of this statement more of a slogan than anything else. What exactly do you mean by that? How is it going to be done?
  5. danieru, it's nice that you manage to resolve you problem. the forums are here for us to help each other so don't worry if you make a mistake.
  6. Josh, I don't understand why you're pushing steam edition so much? Especially at the moment that it has a problem with LE. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9558-game-running-with-pauses/
  7. YouGroove just posted a bug report - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9558-game-running-with-pauses/#entry71961 , so hopefully this will be resolve quickly.
  8. You should adress those kind of inquires to support (at) leadwerks.com Noone in the forum can really help you with that and emailing support is the quickest way to resolve the issue.
  9. I'm very intrested to know what is causing this. Hopefully Josh would be able to tell us more.
  10. If you look closer you'll see lines that are not on the mesh. I suspect that it's a rendering bug. There was a similar thread but I cant seem to find it (it might've been deleted). If i'm not mistaken, the explanation was - problem with the graphic card. I don't know if that's true. What graphic card do you have?
  11. That's an interesting issue. But I doubt that it has anything to do with the textures themself. As you can see those on the far right which are well lit are pretty consistent. It's just a guess but the lines that you see are probably due to specularity. Could you try setting it to 0 and posting the results.
  12. Can you post a video? It's hard to imagine what you mean.
  13. It sounds a lot like this -> http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9328-linux-run-mode-slower-than-debug/ Having high framerate but the getting choppy video due to skipped frames. If it's the same thing - yes, Josh is aware of it.
  14. Is this the tutorial http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/making-a-third-person-camera-r16, you're refering to? There's a Lua section, which should be working for the indie edition, given that the scripting language hasn't change in that regard. You might be better off asking a specific question about the code than requesting a whole tutorial; you'll get a quicker response. I know that it's not much of a help - sorry.
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