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  1. Thank you Josh for answering my question. I have another question for you or anyone that would like to answer. Is it recommended to make a back up of Leadwerks 3.1 standard edition or will it be in my account to download at a later time? (in case hard drive fails etc.) Thank you for answering my question.
  2. Will I get an email when the Leadwerks standard 3.1 edition is ready for downloading? Thank you for answering my question.
  3. I just preordered 3.1 yesterday. I love what you can do (from watching the training videos) with this engine. My project with this engine is to make an interactive architectural walkthrough of a house project that I have going on. Some clients want an interactive (not just a rendering) of their house or apartment. I love the graphic quality of this engine and also how easy it is to use the flow graph editor. I am looking forward to using this engine when released. Dominic
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