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  1. DerRidda

    The Left-Hand Rule

    That solves nothing and only introduces problems when people try to apply math concepts that are "handedness" dependent in Leadwerks as right handed systems are the default in all of math and physics unless explicitly stated otherwise.. Is there any good reason why you did it? +Y can be easily achieved in right handed systems as well, as you just rotate the system as a whole. EDIT: Here Unity is left-handed too, I don't get why engine devs do this silly thing on purpose.
  2. Even without the Steam restart I can now see the standard edition showing up as DLC under Linux.
  3. Is the source for the GTK plug-in you are using available?
  4. Mouse scrolling not working in most menus. This gets much more annoying than one might think. I think we talked about just trying to enable it again after some other unrelated gtk fixes. Did you ever do that internally?
  5. Finally, seems to work well.
  6. With decals coming will you finally give us a the ability to extract some extra information from CSG geometry via picking? It would be nice to know what material is on that wall the player shot at to paint the proper bullet hole decal on top of it.
  7. Kill it with fire! http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/07/firefox-blacklists-flash-player-due-to-unpatched-0-day-vulnerabilities/
  8. Could this offset feature be abused to basically dig a cave into the terrain?
  9. Since I've recently completely removed Flash from every browser on my system I have noticed that embedded YT videos in blog posts don't show up anymore. See: There's no reason to embed YT videos as anything but HTML5 these days. Supporting the Flash ecosystem is just dangerous behavior.
  10. So it's billboards for the most distant vegetation, right? Will we see an automated LOD system for the distances closer than billboard distance? That could allow for crazy dense vegetation.
  11. DerRidda

    The PC is changing

    B-b-but how will this fit 4 R9 Fury X cards in crossfire? Though I do hope you got a modular PSU with that to keep your sanity during cable management. I will keep that form factor in my mind the next time I build for somebody else.
  12. Seems to work nicely here so far. What changed that it is now possible to actually use completely dynamic resizing?
  13. I can nail down the exact reason for the crash but just from snippet you have posted I can already see a few 'unclean' things. 1st: Why are you even setting 'self.window=0' at all? There's no need for that and even though Lua isn't strictly typed, this could cause issues more than be helpful. It should actually be hard to even detect window being nil with that in the code. You should be seeing type issues instead. Judging from that I somehow fear that you are setting self.window to nil somewhere in the lines you didn't post. 2nd: Setting 'windowstyle = window.FullScreen' will cause issues while keeping if 'System:GetProperty("fullscreen")=="1" then windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen end' if somebody actually ever uses command line option for fullscreen, as window.FullScreen .titlebar are actually just constant numbers that, when added, give a sum that can be uniquely traced back to the flags that were set. Adding the same constant twice should never happen here. I would strongly recommend pasting the entire App.lua contents unless you are hiding the secret sauce there.
  14. Something either went wrong during Window creation or it was skipped entirely or maybe a forgotten 'self'. Best to post your App.lua script here.
  15. I wasn't talking about your issue in particular, I'm talking about the issue in general, of course your use case is another valid example: You can't make the game work the way you want it to through no fault of your own because of an arbitrary engine limitation. This, in my opinion, is beyond any other issues (such as bugs) the reason that would drive me away from an engine in no time: A design decision that actively gets in the way of me (and anyone else for that matter) doing what I want to do.
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