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Everything posted by DerRidda

  1. So, it looks like full screen on Linux was implemented as a borderless, always on top window, right? That in itself is a perfectly acceptable way of doing it but it still has a few quirks that could be improved upon. 1st: At the moment the full screen flag alone doesn't resize the window to the desktop resolution. That would be nice to have because I don't think we have a way of actually figuring out the desktops current resolution, do we? It's really not wise to assume that the highest available resolution from GetGraphicsMode is the right one. I can already see that it is wrong in my case, only showing the combined resolution of my dual monitor setup. (Gonna make a bug report about that) A solution for that is needed. 2nd: Key pass through for some important combinations. X11 is absolutely aggressive when grabbing input, making sure that the rest of the system doesn't see any of it at all. That means alt-tab and alt+f4 doesn't work or the media keys on the keyboard. The former is annoying for everybody, the latter also is for some people, especially laptop gamers who need to rely on their media keys to change the system volume. There are means to pass those through I think.
  2. Does this work with animated models?
  3. Made a quick image search for 'this is how surprised I am' and this image fits perfectly.
  4. And they still are absolutely terrible to deal with. http://www.destructoid.com/blogs/TheKodu/will-microsoft-pay-indie-developers-their-september-payment-before-christmas--284512.phtml
  5. Obligatory "Is the AMD driver up to date?" Also are you using the beta 14.11.2? Because that has caused problems for almost everybody so far.
  6. Let's at least try to narrow it down to that. Get into your bios and completely disable the Intel GPU, if it doesn't work then there is different issue.
  7. Leadwerks is probably starting on that Intel graphics potato instead of your Radeon. You probably need to use whatever tools AMD offers to force the use of your proper card for certain apps.
  8. Console license? Source code license. If you can't afford that you probably can't afford publishing to and supporting console anyway.
  9. I know you mean well but as a Linux user I can tell you that this ("Just run Windows") is the most common and unwanted answer to these kind of requests. Again, no offense, it's just that people run different systems for good reasons.
  10. Select all the objects and press Ctrl+J to join them. Might I suggest working through some of these? http://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/
  11. The exporter will export each object as a new model. Join them into one object.
  12. One more thing: Most of us here probably have low upload speeds, as soon as you start collaborating with other people or pushing your project backups online we will probably lose a lot of time just because of the wav files.
  13. Very nice, great move to share it. In my opinion this has the potential to be picked up and maybe become the official Leadwerks GUI solution.
  14. Does this work on Linux yet? The DK2 SDK recently got experimental Linux support.
  15. I'm not experienced at all with animation but I think I've found your problem. You have forgotten to actually apply your mirror and armature modifiers. As long as a modifier isn't applied, whatever that modifier does doesn't really exist yet. For example, your mirror modifier: As long as it isn't applied the mirrored half of your model doesn't really exist as vertex data yet but rather is calculated on the fly, as soon as you hit that Apply button, the vertices and faces are actually created. The Blender exporter knows that and does it for you but there is one problem: When you apply the armature modifier the bones seem to lose the connection to their vertex group. That's why nothing moves in the final model. I think the best solution here is to apply the Armature modifier and re-attach the bones to their respective vertex groups and reexport the model. You should still keep a version of your blender file around from before you applied the modifiers because once they are applied it's a permanent change to the model.
  16. I haven't looked into these things but one thing I can guarantee is that you will need the Standard Edition which supports C++ for that. The Indie Edition is limited to Lua only which doesn't really do multithreading (yet). Look at this for further reference: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/thread/
  17. You ought to try this and add a Razer Hydra to the mix if you can get it. http://www.virtualrealityreviewer.com/GAME-detail/half-life-2-vr-mod-oculus-rift-development-kit-2/
  18. Somebody seems to have manipulated other people's entries, everyone now has marked every time slot as available for everybody except Josh.
  19. Sorry, this was directed at Josh to help him find out how he should implement deleting projects by moving them to the trash on Linux. The last bit was a joke. An intentional misspelling of Linux to Loonix, loon being slang for lunatic, a crazy person.
  20. Apparently the XDG standard for this is $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash and if $XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set it should default to $HOME/.local/share/Trash (which is the standard trash folder under Ubuntu). So, first check if the data home one exists, if yes, move the folder there. If not, check for the one in .local/share and move the folder there. If both don't exist yell "Fix yo Loonix, dawg!" at the user.
  21. It might also be worth to mention that what you experience is 100% expected behavior for polymesh physics shapes. They are for static geometry only.
  22. As long as every level stays well developed and accessible for the people that want to, I'm all for it. The built-in mapping tools are my personal candidate to apply the new focus to first.
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