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Everything posted by DerRidda

  1. https://steamlug.org/cast/s02e09 SteamLUG is a community group comprised of Linux gamers on Steam and we do a bi-weekly podcast. Josh was kind enough to join us for an interview and even if you are not a Linux user he drops some nice nuggets of information about the future of Leadwerks that are interesting to everybody here. So tune in and find out.
  2. Located in Germany so that's in the middle of the night for me BUT I most likely will be up at that time.
  3. This looks solid enough: https://www.cliqmeet.com Presenters seem to need to use Chrome for screen sharing but everybody else should be able to use any browser that isn't horrible at HTML5. I can't really tell if it is picking up my mic properly without anyone to give me feedback though.
  4. Looks interesting but I can't seem to connect to the demo meeting.
  5. Hey Rick, via what medium do you conduct these sessions? I'm quite interested but I don't want to schedule something just to find out at the last moment that you are using something that doesn't work on Linux (or Skype, which does but NOPE™ on that as well).
  6. Musically it is very good but I recommend redoing the mixing. Give the whole track more dynamic range, so far the loudness levels are too close together. In the latter half the percussion almost completely drowns beneath everything else taking a lot of force out of the whole track. Listening to some of your other tracks, which I also like a lot, that seems to be a bit of a habit on your part which I recommend breaking. These tracks could move from good to great easily with better mixing.
  7. Which is the de facto standard way for most applications and games anyway. Heck, I even wrote my own start script when the editor still had the locale issues just to circumvent those. It is just too useful to not do it. That was also useful for creating a .desktop file ~/.local/share/applications/ which means I can start Leadwerks from the Unity dash (or any other desktop environment's start menu or launcher) with icon and everything. You might want to look into MojoSetup https://icculus.org/mojosetup/ forget about the .deb file, this is the better and more general approach to doing it. Bundle the updater with that and you have a really nice way for the initial deployment of Leadwerks on Linux: More elegant than a .tar.gz file and more generally useful than any distro specific package.
  8. I don't know if you can even update 3.0 with that updater but you should have received an email with the download for the full version of 3.1 you are entitled to but I guess you have seen that mail since you used the reg key on the updater. BUT: The USD 100 reward from the KS campaign seems to only include a Linux version. You needed the USD 200 reward for Mac and Windows versions. I hope this isn't a case of people not getting their Windows binaries because of misunderstanding the rewards. But then again I'm receiving Windows binaries when I shouldn't as far as my reward level is concerned. So I still think it is a bug in the windows updater.
  9. Strange, I also got the Windows DLLs and EXEs when using the updater on Linux, maybe the Windows updater is having some issues? Did you try the force option in the updater? If that doesn't work and you don't want to wait until it is fixed maybe download the Linux updater and run it in a virtual machine with Ubuntu to get the Windows binaries. (That must have been the silliest sentence I've written in quite some time.)
  10. No, if you own the standalone version you buy it right here. If what you are trying to say is that you have never seen DLC used as upgrades for software you really haven't been looking very hard, a few apps already do that. http://store.steampowered.com/app/214850 http://store.steampowered.com/app/221200
  11. Such crystal balle, much fortune tell, wow.
  12. Could you also disable the scrolling in the scene list please? Just accidentally scrolling there because it's a habit and having that mess up your work because of a potential deadlock isn't ideal.
  13. This issue includes the scene tab as well. I can actually cause a reliable UI lockup of the editor in the wake of this issue. Open "07-AI and Events.map" from the MyGame demo project. Go the the Scene tab Scroll up and down a bit and notice the scrolling locking up and causing a minor graphical glitch Attempt to scroll by dragging the scroll bar with the mouse cursor Notice the editor not responding anymore Sometimes this even turns into a deadlock instead of just a UI lockup.
  14. First of, "the community" doesn't homogeneously make games but individuals in it do. "The Windows community" (whatever that might be) doesn't develop games either and you would never make such a nonsensical statement. With that in mind, the lead dev of Starbound is a Linux guy and that's actually where the game is build first before it is send to another dev for Windows and Mac compilation. Popular enough? Also don't put words in my mouth I never said, I only said you can't attribute the entire stretch amount to just OUYA/Android while also admitting that some people did back the project just for that. Wilfully misunderstanding somebody's statement to undermine it makes for really bad debate.
  15. Panz3r I ask you to stop making claims on the behalf of the entire linux community. There's plenty of developers for just about everything on Linux including games. I know plenty of Linuxers that have developed games in the past, currently are or are planning to do so in the future. Only very few people drop hundreds of dollars into a Kickstarter just because. It is also intelectually dishonest to claim that every bit of money given during the OUYA/Android strech goal phase was just for that one stretch goal. During stretch goals people still mainly give to support the core pitch, while some people are in it for the feature that this stretch goal offers and a different group of people wants to push for the stretch goals that come after which naturally means the first one has to be reached first. I have already added my 2 cents about dropping mobile support in the Steam forums but overall I can emphasize with the decision.
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