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  1. Hi, does getting a pre-order to the standard Ultra Engine allow access to the current dev version?
  2. Now the Linux target is underway, what about other platforms? We have released apps on iOS, Android and WP8 and so far WP8 has had more than double the downloads of the other platforms. Would you consider a DirectX renderer in the near future for WP8?
  3. My level is a GTA style city and I have pre-built road/pavement models, it would take some time to re-build and texture in CSG, Is it possible to project the shadow onto a plane under the character that I could then align with my level geometry.
  4. Hi, do the new shadow maps only work on CSG? the same as the lightmapping? I can't get them to work on my models, this is a shame as I have allot of pre-modeled pieces for a level and it would take ages to try and re-create it all in CSG.
  5. So imported models will be able to cast a lightmap onto CSG but not onto other imported static models? Im looking to build a city out of a set of building/road models, would be nice if they could be lightmapped using a directional light as the sun.
  6. Hi, I am considering the upgrade before the end of April! but wondered if you can create lightmaps with a mix of imported static models/CSG yet?
  7. Hi, just tried to import a .obj but it does not show up in the assets, it copies the file into the project ok?. Importing .fbx seems to work fine.
  8. Looks great, shame there is no way of getting the Leadwerks love on WP7, im currently writing games for that platform.
  9. Hi, it looks great I pressume your C# control is working with the new headers?, I am trying to write an editor for my project in C# how did you do the grid lines? Thanks.
  10. Thanks, to give it more volume I think it will have to be 3D spheres with a toon shader
  11. Hi, the vaule is 8 in the Lua code for the editors directional lights
  12. Hi, I tried the new dll and get this error? Light sun = new Light.Directional(); sun.Rotation = 45; sun.Rotation.Y = 120; sun.ShadowmapSize = 2048; sun.ShadowMode = ShadowMode.Color; PInvokeStackImbalance was detected Message: A call to PInvoke function 'Leadwerks!Leadwerks.Core::EntityShadowMode' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.
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