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  1. I use the mesh_figur for the player character, and the character controller is set for the physics mode. Collision type is set to Character and the mass is set to 1, or sometimes 100, I've moved that around. For the scripts, I've followed the various tutorials, attaching the ones mentioned in the above tutorials. LIke this one: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/407-3rd-person-controls/ or the one included in here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/521-resident-evil-cameras/
  2. Hi all. I'm new to Leadwerks, though not new to level editors or programming (though I haven't used LUA, I'm mostly familiar with Visual Basic). The trouble I'm having is creating a 3rd person fixed, stationary camera, ala Resident Evil 1-3. You control the player with WASD and as they move around a room/rooms the camera automatically switches to another camera at a different, better angle. Or perhaps the camera will angle slightly to follow player till they move into range of another camera. I've seen tutorial for following 3rd person cameras, but that's not what I'm interested in. The camera here should be anchored in place. And the swapping to alternate cameras is obviously a very important feature. I'm just starting out with Leadwerks and haven't created much in the way of content, nor any code, so I don't have anything to share. However, I've tried two different tutorials: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/521-resident-evil-cameras/ and http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/110/entry-1057-setting-up-a-map-with-3rd-person-controls-and-camera/ And in both cases I am unable to get the character to move, much less work out any sort of camera switching capability. Sorry for being so green but you gotta start somewhere. Oh, and I'm using the Steam Indie version, btw
  3. Yeah I don't know what the problem is. I'm new to Leadwerks but I have plenty of experience with programming and level editors, so I'm not totally green here. Thanks again though.
  4. I have all the setting correct. I'm not sure what the problem is. I can get a FPS demo up and running just fine, but this one just stumps me. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  5. Thanks for your help. I tried out the example scripts and map and still I can't get it to work. The Mesh_Figur just stands there, I can't get it to move one bit.
  6. I may be dredging up an old thread here, but I have the Steam version of Leadwerks: Indie. And I'm struggling to get a working 3rd person, fixed camera (think classic Resident Evil style). I've found an old tutorial but it doesn't work, at least not with the assets provided by the indie version.
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