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Everything posted by Genebris

  1. Interestingly, it does work. In some online interpreter at least. I guess it's because variable doesn't have a type, only value has a type.
  2. No need to wait, you can already do this in Leadwerks. You do it in PostRender as far as I remember.
  3. The only part that I don't like is that Entity::SetInput still can't be used for regular physics object, only for this special hardcoded player controller, right? I don't think engine should have any understanding of "player" object. Because its understanding will always be limiting for us in some way.
  4. Works on my Ninja GTX 1060 if that matters
  5. Genebris

    Scfi - tower defense

    The crane is holding the container from flying away obviously
  6. You are absolutely right that it's better to release now. I just know that they have some forms of VXGI in other engines including several third party open source plugins. So the idea must not be that bad. I personally wouldn't mid if light was propagating over time like water in Minecraft. But this feature is something that really can make your game stand out.
  7. So no realtime gi after all 😭
  8. I would say you project from a light into player bone and then further into first surface hit. This is basically a point inside player's shadow and you can check it's visibility now. But it might also be inside some other shadow 🙃
  9. Thief also had very much approximate shadow detection so I don't think it was much more complicated than couple raycasts. I remember light indicator randomly changing while moving in an evenly dark hallway. What's much cooler is that supposedly the guards in Thief 3 can see your shadow even if they don't see you directly.
  10. One loop is always better but 40 is still nothing so don't bother in my opinion. Do what's more maintainable for you.
  11. Genebris

    Environment probe test

    Is this instead of voxel reflections?
  12. Wait if that's so simple why not just provide a decalless shader with Leadwerks or have a checkbox in material?
  13. I wonder how they make deferred decal in other engines and give very straightforward layers system so you can exactly choose which objects are affected by decals.
  14. Genebris

    PBR / VXRT comparison

    Can the sky contribute lighting to GI with VXRT? I mean like lighting the room through the window without directional light coming this way?
  15. This is all extremely entertaining and all but I've not yet seen a single image actually useful for any production of anything to be hones.
  16. Have you tried just going though a list of classes and method in Leadwerks? You will see what you can do and example show you when you can use it. Try reading various methods of Entity class. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_AddForce
  17. Heightmap is just a method to define a mesh
  18. I don't even know a single successful indie game selling outside of Steam or at least Epic. It's well worth 30%. If you convince Steam that your game is worth marketing by doing your own marketing first, it will help you a lot. By the way, a good guide I recently found: https://gamesensor.info/guide/1
  19. I hope you don't ask for credit card inside the client. I don't trust any software besides Firefox.
  20. I guess it's not as bad because they are all identical draw calls and renderer doesn't switch materials and shaders.
  21. Did you have vsync enabled? Also it's possible that amount of them doesn't matter as much as coverage of pixels on the screen. Josh knows if it's true.
  22. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_SetRange No idea what default numbers are, so use GetRange first https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_GetRange
  23. Have you tried lowering camera far clip / increasing near clip? Just in case this is due to depth buffer precision somehow.
  24. Show us your textures. Best I can guess is you lost your alpha channel, maybe by choosing wrong compression format.
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