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Everything posted by Genebris

  1. Something must be wrong with your fbx file, it look righ in Blender but not in Leadwerks. I exported obj file as fbx and it worked correctly. Also, it's better to use Leadwerks exproter:
  2. Better do this: if self.wasAirborne and not self.entity:GetAirborne() then self.landSound:Play() end self.wasAirborne = self.entity:GetAirborne()
  3. You start playing animation in the frame when key is hit. In the next update you start playing sit animation.
  4. Basically, you need to use AddForce or SetVelocity instead of SetInput. With AddForce you will also need to add extra force to quickly change velocity in another direction.
  5. You can't do that with character controller. You will need to create a controller from rigid body to be able to change size. Or remove top collider of the hole to let character fit and only move camera closer to the ground.
  6. I don't know, documentation doesn't explain that, you should try with stopped too. Or use https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Source_GetTime
  7. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Source_GetState
  8. Genebris


    Can you launch my game?
  9. Genebris


    Without + My game works when set to friends only, but maybe only for friends: steam://run/355500//+game%20843269353
  10. Genebris


    steam://run/355500//+game%20 + id of your game at the end of steam page
  11. Genebris


    I got that, you may still be able to share the game with this link.
  12. Genebris


    You should still be able to share the game by giving a link like this: steam://run/355500//+game%20843269353 steam://run/355500//+game%20 + id of your game
  13. There is already a projectile script in FPS project. And it should be faster to use Pick instead of collision.
  14. First time map is loaded in main.lua, do it there. currentMap = "Maps/start.map" Map:Load(currentMap)
  15. Don't you want your knife as separate object? I deleted empty animation from it and it exports correctly. Also, to export arms you only need to select armature in Blender.
  16. If you don't like shipping many prizes, why don't you give only one prize to the one who makes the best (biggest / most polished) game? This will increase the quality of games we submit and you will have to ship only one prize.
  17. I don't see how itch.io would be any more useful than game launcher. At least with launcher we don't need to download any executables. And I don't understand why would anyone pay for a bunch of low quality prototypes when they can get actual polished games for the same price. For me the best solution would be simply enabling web page with games, then Launcher interface would be irrelevant.
  18. Your model is whatever you want. You attach a weapon to a bone by drag and drop in editor or by entity:SetParent() in code.
  19. Make your arms models and animations. This has nothing to do with Leadwerks. You can parent your weapons to a bone in editor or in code or you can just make it part of the model.
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