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Everything posted by Genebris

  1. You want scene like this? It's easy to create yourself if you already bought these models.
  2. Nothing will help you if you don't have good art.
  3. It's in sprite tab after script tab.
  4. Apply forces to the them. What exactly do you need help with?
  5. As a player, I hate to search for config and save files somewhere on C drive, I like when they are inside game folder. I think I'll write to file myself then.
  6. But System:SetProperty works only with standard path?
  7. Is it possible to change location of config file?
  8. Why not use GitLab instead of Bitbucket? It's the same but 10 GB instead of 2.
  9. But how do you disable rendering of terrain then? You can do this, but I guess it won't help performance-wise.
  10. terrain:Hide() removes collision from terrain, but it remains visible.
  11. Documentation says that hidden entity won't be updated when parent moves, but I tried hiding the bones or entire model and it didn't help whatsoever. Is it correct behavior or a bug? How can I switch from rigged model to non rigged if not by hiding the model with bones? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entityhide-r181
  12. I'm getting 60 FPS on a decent computer with pretty much empty scene and 30 characters moving on navmesh. I don't think it's a good result. After adding level geometry and lighting it will become 30 if not less. I can reduce draw distance and shadow distance but it doesn't help, FPS is low even when characters aren't rendered. And this scene is even without animations. Good idea about switching to non rigged models, I'll try that.
  13. I have a huge FPS drop when moving rigged characters with simple Entity:Move method. The same mesh but collapsed in model settings causes no FPS drop. 100 characters on the top have bones. 100 characters on the bottom were collapsed. When moving bottom characters performance stays the same, when moving upper characters FPS drops from 500 to 100. There is no lighting in the scene and character material uses not animated shader. So I think that the only difference is extra entities that are moving with rigged characters. code: function Script:Start() chars = {} for i=1,100 do local e = Model:Load("models/crawler.mdl") table.insert(chars, e) e:SetPosition(math.random(0,10),0,math.random(0,10)) end objects = {} for i=1,100 do local e = Model:Load("models/collapsed.mdl") table.insert(objects, e) e:SetPosition(math.random(0,10),0,math.random(-10,-20)) end end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if window:KeyDown(Key.E) then for k,v in pairs(chars) do v:Move(-0.1,0,0) end end if window:KeyDown(Key.R) then for k,v in pairs(objects) do v:Move(-0.1,0,0) end end end Can Anything be done about it? I don't need 100 characters, but when I tried 30 characters moving on the navmesh performance was very low compared to when they are standing still. Project if you want to try: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5h7P9bq9NmIQmRDdGp1Y29LdFE
  14. You can do this using PhysicsSetPosition to move sword collider.
  15. It won't work, unless Josh adds ability to change character collider, you will have to use rigid body for anything like this.
  16. You can't attach collider as a child, this will break physics.
  17. There is no way to change shape of character controller collider. The only workaround is to use regular rigidbody instead of character controller, but that brings many disadvantages.
  18. On CSG brush you need to cast entity to model like you wrote in the first post. Also, CountVertices() on brush causes crash for some reason, CountTriangles works, though.
  19. If something doesn't work, you should post error that you get. What you wrote is supposed to work.
  20. entity:GetMaterial() http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitygetmaterial-r127 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/surface/surfacegetmaterial-r212
  21. You don't need to compile your Lua code, you can simply launch your exe file from project folder. I was using google drive to automatically send changes to my second pc.
  22. I can't download your archive, reattach it.
  23. You can start the game in a small window and put your settings there, no need for C++ for that.
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