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Digital Anime

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  1. I installed a clean version of LE 2.5 and for some reason my game would stop working on the renderworld command. After some digging I could find that it had something to do with the createterrain or setterraintexture command. For some reason my code did'd give an error when I used "RenderWorld(1)" and I noticed that the texture on the terrain was missing, the game itself worked fine. I even checked several times that loading the texture wasn't the problem, and even tried with several dds files In the end I downloaded LE 2.4.3 and did a clean install again. After compiling my game works like it should including the terrain texture and I think I will stick with this version for now. So my question is if other Blitzmax users have the same issue and if this could be a bug in LE 2.5 yes/no. If any use, this is my system : Windows Vista Ultimate 64Bit Intel I7 Ati HD 4890 Radeon with AMD_Catalyst_11.10_preview2_Win7_Vista driver (Contains fixes for Skyrim and Rage) 8Gb memory 3 x 1.5 Tb Sata HD 1x Sata Blueray Related software : Blitzmax 1.44b Blide Plus 11.11.0801 SP1
  2. BlitzMax for me, the reason for that is that I use Basic languages for over 15 years now, starting with MS Basic on my Sony HitBit MSX (It still works ), after that on my dads 286 with QBasic,and after that my Amiga CD32 + SX1 with BlitzBasic II and now BlitzMax on my AMD64 am2 6000+. I tried MS VisualBasic, but didn't like the way it worked... It's nice to see how Basic evolved over time starting out with linenumbers and commands like GOTO or GOSUB to today's OOP.
  3. Seems like I have to do something like this with a tree structure and it seems to work for me. Local PlayerRHand:TEntity = getchild(getchild(getchild(getchild(getchild(getchild(getchild(Player, 1), 1), 3), 1), 2), 1), 1) It's not pretty, so I hope to be able to use findchild for this soon.
  4. I see this is a recent post, is this a bug? Cause I try to use Findchild to retrieve the hand, but it gives an error that the Entity=Null Blitzmax code I'm using Player:TMesh = LoadMesh("Models\Playermodel.gmf") If Not Player RuntimeError "Failed to load mesh." Local PlayerRHand:TEntity = FindChild(Player, "Bip01 R Hand") If Not PlayerRHand RuntimeError "Cannot find RHand Child" So I must use something like this for now? Local PlayerRHand:TEntity = Getchild(Player,<Int number of bone/child here>) Edit: I can use getchild on the First bone, and I used the settings in Ultimate Unwrap like explained in the tutorial including the bones. Could this also have to do with the treestructure I see in the bonelist?
  5. Changed shader into this now and it works texture0="abstract::anigirl-02.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_skin_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag" I checked the material editor for the possible shader options. Thanks a lot to you both
  6. This is what the file looks like texture0="abstract::anigirl-02.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag"
  7. Is there any tool which is usefull to check this besides a hexeditor? And what does GenMat.exe do exactly? It's just that I don't understand the way how materials work and why the cube doesn't have this issue, I would expect it to be red too if the texture/material was broken...
  8. For some reasen when I want to load an animated model I bought I get these weird texture/material colors When I apply the same material to a cube the cube handles the texture fine. I got the model in lot's of formats and tried converting them into gmf using uunwrap 3 I'm using the latest version of Blitzmax and Leadwerks Engine 2.4. The textures included where in jpg format, I converted those to dds and used GenMat to create the Mat files. So I wonder if the issue is with the gmf or the mat file? Any ideas?
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