Its just a hacked version of the fpscontroller.lua found in the SDK with what was not needed removed. It was simply used to load the Bow HUD rig and position, scale and parent it to the player.
Actually, no it would not, which was kind of the point to my reply, "you have to know at the very least, the basics of what the code is and does, in regard to the language it is coded in and the Leadwerks API." My advice to new users is to start off simply with the basics, go through all the tutorials, then browse both this forum and the old forum, simply looking through at what others were trying to do and how that was achieved, even go through the wiki API command list one at a time to see what does what and experiment with the small examples. Handing you a hastily hacked version of the fpscontroller.lua will leave you with more questions than answers without that basic understanding,