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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. Not true, Ms. Eagle did not call you "such and auch"[sIC], she said you are "acting like a guy with a very small penis", I have to disagree with Ms. Eagle, I don't think you are acting.
  2. You make illegal movies? well I'd have kept that quite, anyhow, I did not alude to that, I was asking if you needed help playing a movie (hows your reading?), as this was your analogy shown to be just plain silly when conflated with support for pirated software, as was Pixels point ...
  3. Don't you mean You're trolling now? answering the question can Marley read ....
  4. You need help watching a movie? did you try the play button? . DId you never consider taking your own advice?
  5. It was a protest I think about SOPA ... its gone now but you may have to clear your internet cache to get rid of it.
  6. Nah ... I am going to have to RUDELY decline your request ....
  7. Well, to be fair to Josh, it is the only comment that has been shown... and the intial response from MrValentine to it speaks a few volumes.
  8. Well, as all we know is whats been allegedly said, which is "Most of the forums are for registered developers only." ... the question, How is telling you "Most of the forums are for registered developers only." being rude?, still stands ...
  9. How is telling you "Most of the forums are for registered developers only." being rude?
  10. Well, no having to be a registered LE owner when you have bought 3DWS to access a board for that software is silly but as far as I know that board no longer exists, but the same principle should apply, only registered users of that software should have access, and 3DWS has its own forum at TGC.
  11. Makes perfect sense, there is more than enough resources available to the users of the 30 day demo evaluation of Leadwerks. What the access restriction address's is those who come by the software "unofficially" .. its not much good without tech support and programming help, so why give them free tech support and programming help on the forums here? General questions can be asked here in General Discussion.
  12. Its hard to visualise what your problem may be Michael, can you export a test mesh that I can look at in UU3D? The model being large sounds like the difference between Max units and Leadwerks, can you elaborate on " the mesh was really messed up after using the .GMF exporter"
  13. Yes, there are 3D content companies that have modular building sets for sale. They seem very popular, which is why I want to try and create my own unique main assets. Things like items, plants/trees and such are not a problem as they tend to be ambient or peripheral assets.
  14. To prevent non Leadwerks Engine specific/Related entries from my Blog being automatically published here via the Blog Feed, I have removed that functionality, and will simply add a new entry title and link here for all Leadwerks Engine specific/Related entries. Leadwerks Related Blog Entry. Revamping A Modular Assets Idea.
  15. Look for the line: n = n + 0.01*AppSpeed()/splinelength*10.0 Adjust the last value (10.0) to increase and decrease.
  16. PauseApp() pauses the application time. Make sure when you are "doing things" whilst "paused" not to update the Apptime. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2591-how-to-pause-game/page__view__findpost__p__23849
  17. Its just a hacked version of the fpscontroller.lua found in the SDK with what was not needed removed. It was simply used to load the Bow HUD rig and position, scale and parent it to the player. Actually, no it would not, which was kind of the point to my reply, "you have to know at the very least, the basics of what the code is and does, in regard to the language it is coded in and the Leadwerks API." My advice to new users is to start off simply with the basics, go through all the tutorials, then browse both this forum and the old forum, simply looking through at what others were trying to do and how that was achieved, even go through the wiki API command list one at a time to see what does what and experiment with the small examples. Handing you a hastily hacked version of the fpscontroller.lua will leave you with more questions than answers without that basic understanding,
  18. Hey WM, happy new year to you sir. Thanks, it was just a curiosity test really to see what the model looked liked, very nice it is too, although as with most bought assets of this type it still lacks on the number of basic animations. On another plus note, the walk and run cycles are excellent compared to some other characters offered by other companys.
  19. Wise words. To be able the hack/modify existing code, you have to know at the very least, the basics of what the code is and does, in regard to the language it is coded in and the Leadwerks API.
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