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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. Marleys Ghost


    @Mack : check your PM
  2. Marleys Ghost


    I had no problems when I compiled it, and used it to make a small settings app for my LE projects a while back but have not done much with it since.
  3. It would have to be very good indeed to compete with the free software of Celestia and Stellarium
  4. As I stated before I have been changing my code for the last 7 months but my decision not to use leadwerks for my current project is based on many things, not just this one particular issue.
  5. The project is not dropped, just not being developed in LE. This has been based on the last seven months and not just on this one particular issue.
  6. hi Josh, as I said I had a quick try with the new .dll but after an hour I had the error notify sorted but as the light_directional_1 is the first picked item the filter it bypasses the extra "if's". Which it would do when using a null check (If entity.parent <> Null). But I have decided on a new route for my project and wont be debugging this further as I have since archived LE at this current time.
  7. well I had a quick try with the new .dll but after an hour I had the error notify sorted but as the light_directional_1 is the first picked item the filter bypassed the extra "if's". Which it would do when using a null check. But as I said makes no odds as for the time being I am pursuing another avenue for the project I am working on.
  8. standard libraries and functions IS what I have been trying to build! but as I said it makes no odds now.
  9. I'm not using Gamelib ... so how does that even remotely help? makes no odds now anyway.
  10. I have been changing my code for the last 7 months, and dont expect that to change in the future despite your "rosey" claim.
  11. "could", "might be possible" too many vague qualifiers. I think the razor thin line just evaporated.
  12. You know you make things as clear as mud. you did read the part where I said "I can get the parent outside of the filterpick. GetEntityKey( pick.entity.parent, "name" ) works "
  13. But I can get the parent outside of the filterpick. GetEntityKey( pick.entity.parent, "name" ) works ... But then it all worked in 2.31 you keep on about documented and undocumented I have only been using the wiki. Basically what you are saying is you dont really know and I need rewrite the whole thing without knowing what has changed between the two releases as its probably undocumented?
  14. why? It was not an issue BEFORE. Why would it be an issue NOW? do you see a pattern forming here Mika?
  15. a simple entity.parent is not sufficient? it was thats the point and this is not about it not returning the correct name but it crashes the app when used in the pick filter.
  16. hence my Q, whats changed? this worked perfectly in 2.31 and now does not. and its the first of several problems. It is a razor thin line at the moment whether I stick with LE or move on.
  17. After four hours I tracked the problem of entity picks causing EAV errors and crashing my app, this is a pickfilter: Function PickF%(entity:TEntity) If GetEntityType(entity) = 0 Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End Function It works for both 2.31 and 2.32, but I use a custom pickfilter to add an extra layer of selection for certain picks like this: Function PickF%(entity:TEntity) If GetEntityType(entity) = 0 Local EType:String = GetEntityKey(entity.parent,"name") If Etype = "whatever" Return 0 Else Return 1 EndIf Else Return 1 End If End Function This works 100% in 2.31 and does what it was intended to do brilliantly, but is the cause of the EAV's with 2.32 and my currently elevated annoyance status. If I change: GetEntityKey(entity.parent,"name") to: GetEntityKey(entity,"name") There is no error but then the name of the object itself is not retuned but the mesh name such as U3D_MESH which is the name for about 99.9% of all my models. adding .parent got the name of the entity like oildrum_1 or Box_01 or Blobby_2 which is what is needed. so has something changed?
  18. That worked, thank you. So ALL scripts now have to be adjusted as well ...
  19. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Render() frame = (AppTime()/35.0) % (300-0) + 1 model:Animate( frame, 1,0, 1 ) end end Works in the editor 2.31 not in editor 2.32
  20. I should add I am still using 2.31 as there seems to be far too many issues with 2.32
  21. Don't run it. Just save it. you may have to exit the editor and reload for it to come up for that entity.
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