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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. I have a simple character that has a script that plays the walk animation for it .. works in 2.31 no probs .. does nothing in 2.32 ... as do quite a few simple scripts.
  2. I use a .mat like this for the leaf texture in Dexsofts Palms pack: texture0="abstract::Diffuse.dds" texture1="abstract::Normal.dds" texture2="abstract::Specular.dds" specular=0.25 cullface=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_sway.vert", "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_sway.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag"
  3. No problems Gimpy always happy to try and help, but I am rolling back. Thank the big bang for backups huh. Even scripted entites in the editor seem to be non functional.
  4. could be, sounds like it. I just used your point and pick code, camerapick "seems" to work but EntityPick crashes the apps and emitters seem all screwed up .. So I can see myself rolling back to 2.31 in a short while.
  5. yeah, I know what you mean m8.
  6. did you do a clean install for 2.32 ?
  7. There seems to be an issue with picks as well.
  8. Thats from the wizard template program?
  9. are you pointing the wizard to the install dir. of 2.32 ?
  10. yep josh did that just after I mentioned it.
  11. Use the mod here: I just copied the zeke.mod folder to the blitzmax mod folder then re-build the docs. This has allowed me to generate the lua-gluefunctions.bmx and get a working from the project wizard + blitzmax This is as far as I have got.
  12. ok some progress let me sort a post out.
  13. ok Gimpy m8, will test that in a few just trying something ...
  14. Trying to rebuild the lua-gluefunctions.bmx using: SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.engine Import "D:\Game Development\Leadwerks SDK 2.3\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx" Import lugi.generator generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") Notify "lua-gluefunctions.bmx Generation Complete" End gives the error: D:/Game Development/BlitzMax/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lluajit Build Error: Failed to link D:/Projects/BMAX Projects/lua gluefunctions Generator/lgfgen.exe is there a module needed now? The reason for rebuilding the lua-gluefunctions.bmx was due to errors when using the original: Compile Error: Identifier '_FindTerrainShader' not found [D:/Projects/BMAX Projects/BasicLoader/lua-gluefunctions.bmx;7518;2] Which I suspected was down to changes in the commands.bmx Anyone else having the same probs?
  15. have you set the altitude higher from the default 100 ?
  16. laugh? about something so really important? lol ... 1.38 does that don't think its a new addition to 1.39
  17. No problems ... according to mark it was a "little maintenance release" so I dont think it will cause issues.
  18. not had time yet to upgrade to 1.39 but I cant forsee any problems.
  19. I'm currently using 1.38 and have had no problems (thus far).
  20. I was wondering what had happened to the leadwerks netwerks that was being tested a while back?
  21. For me: 1 Path finding library(including formations,hidding behind geometry, avoiding collisions) 2 NPC Behaviour library 3 cut scene manager system(interactive/non interactive) 4 Facial animation/expressions library
  22. @Pixel : Not sure even a Hazmat suit is going to be enough when I have finished @DieDir : thanks .. but someone has to take the corridor .. the rooom the other end needs working on lol @Mike : I thought including the stages might promt people to say what they liked in one stage but I dropped in the next. @Gimpy : yes m8, I am very sure I am not an artist
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