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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. He may see that reply... if he registers
  2. Actually the thread you are referencing is all about the problems that arose from that approach. In the end I went for this approach for a basic third person camera: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/800-basic-3rd-person-camera/ And then to this: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/832-updated-basic-3rd-person-camera/
  3. Well for me a game engine requires game mechanics, good visuals, and tool set, but game mechanics are the important "sway" factor.
  4. I must admit, I have not considered Epic and CryteK to be the soup kitchens of game engines before ... Not sure that analogy works .. B)
  5. No idea on that score, but it would need to be at most comparable to the deal with UDK (if not better) for them to make any headway into Unity3D's and UDK's user demographic, otherwise whats the point?
  6. Well, it would be an interesting development, but as I said, considering the route Unity and Epic have taken in the last year, it seemed that it might only be a matter of time before they followed suit.
  7. It seems Crytek maybe planning a free CryEngine release. "The developer behind Crysis 2 and the engine behind it, CryEngine 3, has plans to release a free version of their game engine that will be "up to speed" with CryEngine 3. This should help Crytek to further compete with Epic Games and Unity, both of which offer free versions of their respective game engines, Unreal Engine 3 and Unity. " http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3178763 I suppose it was only a matter of time considering the route both Unity3D and Epic have taken. But will be worth keeping an eye on.
  8. Good morning Lumooja, does UpdateFramework() already do those in Lua and Bmax too? I have adjusted the example to reflect your suggestions
  9. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/381-scene-loading-example/page__view__findpost__p__5665
  10. Actually he said "a little soldier slug", whose diminutive stature added to the large amount of equipment a militaristic limax minimus would have to carry, means the velocity would be even slower than that.
  11. TBH you are better off using Framework to enable the post processing FX, plus you're trying to use a post effect on a mesh in the .mat, if you look in the mesh folder of the shaders theres a couple you could use such as mesh_diffuse_glow.frag ...
  12. 1. yes its true. 2. I think its only one at a time, not 100% sure but sounds right. (could be wrong) 3. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=16 4. I dont think a value below 1 is possible. (could be wrong) 5. The current water is an animated texture/shader type. So only if you write a new one. (could be wrong) 6. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Groups http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Pivots
  13. Looks pretty much the same as UDK's Kismet.
  14. As far as I am aware the water shader used requires a plane thats facing directly up, so you'd probably have to write your own reflection shader to uses a plane in a different orientation. Your best bet is to use a camera, render buffer and render to a texture.
  15. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/107-sdk-installer-and-updater/ make sure to select the version of the SDK you want to DL when you run the above updater. (2.3/2.31/2.32beta)
  16. Simple way? not really, you could do it with a camera, render buffer and render to a texture.
  17. because the editor is where you create "scenes" not rendering buffers thats done in your app, but as you are not using framework that means you have to create worlds, cameras, buffers ect. to render the scene. My suggestion is use framework for that as its all done for you along with ease of use for implementing post processing FX. But if you chosse to do this "manually" then I suggest you go through all the tutorials to find out how to set things up.
  18. There were/are some issues in the tracker regarding DoF: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-73-setfardofrangenearrangefarrange-farrange-has-no-effect/ http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-76-dof-artifacts/
  19. #include "engine.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); Graphics(640,480); RegisterAbstractPath("YOUR PATH TO Leadwerks SDK 2.3"); TWorld world = CreateWorld() ; TBuffer gbuffer; gbuffer=CreateBuffer(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); TCamera camera = CreateCamera(); MoveEntity(camera,Vec3(0,0,-1)); TMesh ground; TMaterial material; material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat"); TModel model = LoadModel("abstract::fixture_cagelight.gmf"); RotateEntity(model,Vec3(0.0,90,0.0)); ground=CreateCube(); ScaleEntity(ground,Vec3(10,1,10)); PositionEntity(ground,Vec3(0,-1,0)); PaintEntity(ground,material); DebugLights(true); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { // Update timing and world UpdateAppTime(); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) ; // Render SetBuffer(gbuffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(gbuffer); DrawText(0,0,"%s",GetEntityKey(model,"alignoncreate")); Flip(0); } Terminate(); return 1; } Make sure you have the scripts folder in your app directory's root.
  20. Its been a while since I used c++ without Framework, but dont you need to set up buffers to render the lights ect. ? also the model in your code loads but needs to be turned 90 or 180 degrees to be seen: TModel model = LoadModel("abstract::fixture_cagelight.gmf"); RotateEntity(model,Vec3(0.0,90,0.0)); and make sure you have the "scripts" folder in your app directory.
  21. well unless you really need the end of the gun to be the point of origin use the camera as the origin and pick a Z distance to the centre of the screen, when the pick hits an entity addforce at that point. No need for invisible bullets, angle the gun model if thats what you are using toward the screen centre for effect.
  22. I'm just killing time waiting on cassius lol
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