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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. What sort of "bullet"? an actual entity or just a picked point and add force ? I am actually in the middle of converting/updating a test project I did last year in C++. Original thread here. Here the bullets are picks then adding a force at that point.
  2. The editors config is in Editor.ini which should be in the root of your SDK folder, it is created when you first run the editor as far as I know, so if you delete it a new one will be created with everything set at default. [Paths] Game_Path= To remove the incorrect game path you have.
  3. Hence "There maybe others too." ...
  4. try using the search facility .. "cubemap reflections" http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4962&hilit=cubemap+reflections There maybe others too.
  5. Cool, will check it out later and give feedback, after the coffee has kicked in B)
  6. Thats what that should have read, sorry typo.
  7. I dont have Max but I am pretty sure you can use Leadwerks .mat files in it. if thats what you are trying to do. EDIT: sorry typo should have read. I dont have Max but I am pretty sure you cant use Leadwerks .mat files in it. if thats what you are trying to do.
  8. Or ShaderMap Pro which is far more reasonably priced.
  9. Be sure to use this version for reference.
  10. I have found that ERROR: unable to find DLL function: XXX often meant I had the wrong version DLL in the apps path or no DLL in apps path.
  11. I have been trying for the last 20 mins but I can get the behaviour using your exe
  12. I was wondering about what had happened to that.
  13. M'kay ... so I guess we still dont have a fix for decals then as its not worth swapping to 2.32? http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1645-createdecal/page__view__findpost__p__15223
  14. M'kay ... glad I saw this before I sync'd .. not usable in general or for just the new bits ?
  15. So a sync is in order now then thank you Josh.
  16. I used an example by MasterXilo to test different versions in C++ last year. http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5433#wrapheader Masterxilo's post I borrowed the code from: http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3121&hilit=decal I have not seen a working example for Bmax.
  17. lol well thats the problem how would one know its a working source code when no decals are produced but also no errors, its simply code that runs
  18. basically I am at the same stage I was last time I tried to use it but in C++ .. http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5433&hilit=createdecal The material loads and gets freed and the whole thing goes through the motions no errors but no decals either
  19. Sorry, I did not think that was a taxing question.
  20. whats the game and whats it written in? and why would you expect people to download an exe from and unknown source as Mack pointed out?
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