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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. just rename the .zip to .gmf its a gmf file not a zip archive.
  2. Just started playing with it myself, but when I first tried I was in the wrong place, there was a white area that marked the divide for submerged but no water mesh .. I did a new scene and put myself at the centre and there it was just wondered if that was your issue? .. only been playing with it for half an hour was just thinking out loud.
  3. is the mesh at the origin and you are not? it covers only a small area, you maybe looking at the underwater divide
  4. actually the waterplane and DLight is a current issue, we are just waiting for the fix.
  5. Well, after much testing I have decided on an actual 3D modelling app to use in my workflow. I already have Blender, and while there are some very skilled users of this on the forum (Niosop and afecelis spring to mind and their tutorials are definitely worth checking out), I still find its user interface awkward and clumsy. So I demo'd a few different ones that would not break the bank. In the end I decided on AC3D. I find it simple to use and has enough features for what I wanted it for. 3DWS is still my main application for creating architecture, but I needed something for what I call redundant decoration, and so far AC3D has proved to be just what I was looking for. Redundant Decoration is simply my term for low poly non functional assets, like in the picture below, filing cabinets, desks, fake PC's ect. Filing Cabinet: 12 Polys Desk: 192 Polys (currently, still room for "pruning") PC Screen & Keyboard: 70 Polys The textures still need some work, but using a combination of ShaderMap Pro and manual editing on the normal maps has produced some promising results. So far I am impressed with AC3D, and would recommend to those who were looking for a low priced 3D Modeller to check out its 14 day demo. Combined with 3DWS, Blender and UU3D I think I have this side of development sewn up application wise.
  6. Your error might have something to do with THIS.
  7. Sounds more like an issue with an object in the scene hence reference to a null object. As for Bmax versions I am currently on 1.38 not sure which version Mack is using. But I upgrade everytime a new release is out.
  8. Have you tried: entity:Paint( material, recursive )
  9. You're welcome, I think you will find also you can not use a Directional light for this (currently) Double-buffered shadow maps
  10. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/index.html?record=18
  11. Have you tried disabling shadows on the model ?
  12. A Bloom slider would certainly be a welcome addition ... currently none or "standing on the face of the sun" settings let it down.
  13. Just for tests sake .. try simply: UpdateController(player, camrotation.Y, move * 5.0, strafe * 5.0, jump, 500) See if it makes a difference one way or the other.
  14. I have never used DarkGDK but you will I assume need to have the texture files with the model/map which would mean copying the ones you use to what ever folder you save the model, to use in DGDK...
  15. well the .stf files will only work in 3DWS and were for demo purposes only as far as I recall, you will have to use other textures, ones that DarkGDK can use, and use those in 3DWS.
  16. What textures are you trying to use?
  17. You managed to fix the controller sliding issue I see.
  18. I agree it seems like a nice program but was created a "few syncs" ago and maybe needs updating? I thought it just saved the a script? dont yu still have to create the object and folder?
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