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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. Makes sense, and would be handy. Would vegetation layers using the billboarding be covered to unde a global LOD distance multiplier?
  2. what type of file are you trying to upload?
  3. Well that would help as there is not enough information to speculate on what your problem maybe.
  4. DL'd your files and used your above code, cant seem to see what it is you refer to can you post a screenshot, all I get is a white sphere ...
  5. Well ok, but thats not enough information to work with. whats in the scene? by falling do you mean through the scene ?
  6. What do you mean by you have changed your map? do you mean you have loaded the .gmf as part of a scene (.sbx) ?
  7. I'd have thought game.scene.Update() was Gamelibs call to FramewerkUpdate() ? best person to say would be Lumooja.
  8. I never meant to imply you were lol .. but I thought you don't have to call UpdateAppTime() as it was called from UpdateFramewerk() which I think is called behind the "scenes" in GameLib maybe calling it too often might be the cause of the hangs
  9. Isnt UpdateAppTime() called in UpdateFramework()?
  10. no !! ... I was curious thats all as to what benefits it might offer. ?
  11. Yeah but Chris, dont forget Lumoojas been driving Smart cars from a very early age http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMlXKjLBMZ4
  12. well it was a good sample .. when I have more time I will take a better look at Cloudwright I think.
  13. all seems a lot of work ... split the sbx .. then write a ProcessScene for the models .. then load the terrain and only the models will be individually incremented on the laoding bar .. terrain will take probably longer , not to mention the time for any textures or extras (sounds fonts ect.) all to have an indication somethings loading
  14. Well if its just to let those who worry after 10 seconds then a simple function to increment the distance a bar graphic is drawn across the screen could be used liberally during the loading section with a simple integer .. like Loading(10) .. then Loading(20) yada yada .. I did simple test like that a while back in Bmax .. it worked .. a little jerky but you get the picture lol
  15. Well your impatience is not the issue lol ... but just have a screen that says loading ? or update the screen for different sections of loading .. fonts .. scene .. sounds .. textures . whatever .. all takes times and all done seperate ? even add the odd delay in just to move the loading bar lol ..
  16. Maybe a delay is though so you dont enter the level and watch the roadworks lol
  17. Oddly .. yes lol I spent most of my Amiga time playing Alien Breed and Flashback from Delphine.
  18. Well my Hydro test scene loads in a few secs .. and it has far more than 0-1 models lol .... but a test scene with only terrain and a heavy grass layer takes 15 to 20 with no models. can the terrain loading be split further like terrain texture vegetation?... What about roads? aren't they built asynchronously?
  19. I understand what it is you are trying to do, I was just thinking what if the models load in a few secs .. and the terain with veg layers takes 20 ... isnt this dependent on there being enough models ? or would you have to artificially slow down the load to make it "viewable"?
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