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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. I think I will have to have a play with this software .. DL'd it installed it yet to dabble
  2. Marleys Ghost


    Thats not bad for a "Make me a song button" effort lol .. oh how the world needs more buttons like that
  3. Nice, thanks Gimpy .. I was expecting the opening words to say "Welcome to Gimpys World" lol ..
  4. Dont forget to send your details to gain access to the rest of the forum. See Here.
  5. yeah you need the D-Light for G-Rays ... the same scene I am using that gets the issue in Bmax works fine in C++ the scene only has the one light, a D-Light ..
  6. I think thats Mack on the left
  7. I just tried somethng like this in the editor. Simple sphere created in UU3D textured with some sun texture off the net. .mat file texture0="abstract::sun_tex.dds" blend=0 depthmask=0 depthtest=0 castshadows=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag" Result in editor with a pointlight placed in its centre.
  8. yep that does get a little frustrating, especially in a well populated scene.
  9. in the standard Bmax IDE it halts and highlights fw.render() ..
  10. Extra things tried so far. Regenerated lua-gluefunctions.bmx Sync'd again (just in case) Updated the scripts in the appdir updated DLL's in appdir still getting Unhandled Exception:Attempt to access field or method of null object @ fw.render()
  11. ok updated the scripts, DLL's and shader.pak for the C++ app and it still runs fine. Hey god rays has a nice effect on the snow lol ..
  12. Just checking on that.. I simply ran the app as was .. need to check the C++ app with the latest scripts and DLL's .. still far too early for problem solving lol
  13. Not sure yet, just trying a few things.
  14. You have to have the scripts folder in the appdir so removal is not good lol, but intersting you then get an emitter to work after doing so...
  15. I added an emitter to the test scene I use with the basic scene loader in Bmax and got the same error .. however I did not get the error when using the same scene with the basic scene loader in C++, and an emitter was placed and working.
  16. In UU3D when you load a direct X file you have the option to flip handedness, in the load dialogue window.
  17. Just remember less of THIS .. and more of THIS
  18. Yep, I like that one Gimpy thanks for sharing
  19. Why would it round to an int ? wouldn't that only happen for multiples of 255 ? or very nearly 255 for rounding up to occur? Edit: ah in C++ ... not my worry then lol Edit:: Unless this happens in Bmax to ? Edit ::: not to worry I do it all on a calculator anyway ...
  20. Lumoojas right SetColor(Vec4(1,1,1,1)) would be white, yours is super duper bright white .. try: SetColor(Vec4(0.58,0.78,0.39,1)) See if that works
  21. Try increasing your "maxacceleration" value.
  22. Well nothing much to report, that does not mean nothing much has been going though I have decided that as and when I make an emitter for a specific purpose, I will now create its own editor entity to save time by not having to create the exact same settings over and over. Also not every setting available needs to be adjusted so I will now re-write the properties to reflect what they effect and remove the ones not requiring adjusting for a particular effect and simply hard code them into the script. This sort of came about when thinking about trying to get weather effects into the editor and eventually into an app. This is one I did for snow. It's a simple emitter used to create a localised snow effect in the Leadwerks Editor, using a custom .dds file for the snow flake created in Paint.NET
  23. object.fire:SetVelocity(Vec3(0,0.5,0),Vec3(0,0.05,0)) what are you trying to do here ? velocity is a Vec3 the above might act as x,y,z so you have direction in X and Y when you probably only want direction in the +y ..
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