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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. I meant: if key=="diameter" then singlevalue = value object.model:SetScalef(singlevalue, singlevalue, singlevalue, object.model) end as you'd be scaleing in the x y and z equally
  2. all work fine for me. whats your system spec?
  3. surely if its a sphere you want you'd just have the one value as you'd scale it equally.
  4. I'm not sure what it is you are trying to do but can't?
  5. In the lua template for the LE wizard this is used to scale a cube. ground=CreateCube() ground:SetScalef(10.0,1.0,10.0) ground:SetPositionf(0.0,-2.0,0.0) ground:Paint(material)
  6. You downloaded packs from Dexsoft that were pwd protected and Dexsoft don't know the pwd?
  7. Nope never tried it, let us know how you get on if you do.
  8. Not as far as I know because it won't import the modules I thought
  9. There is no room for nice in DogSick ... <maybe that should be "at" not "in" >
  10. whats new there? And I don't yell alot at Mack ... I have employed someone for that
  11. Then what is required is a Basic scene loading example using the Appdir. And the author of that can spend months of having to ask the same questions to those with "alleged" problems like "have you copied <insert one of the numerous files that need to be in the appdir to run your app from that dir.> to the Appdir?"
  12. It saves months of having to ask the same questions to those with "alleged" problems like "have you copied <insert one of the numerous files that need to be in the appdir to run your app from that dir.> to the Appdir?"
  13. Very true, and there is also a very good reason why any basic sample code I post always uses the path to the SDK folder
  14. CCTV using Leadwerks Engine 2.3 and Blitzmax as a proof of concept. * The switch script being used to allow text and icons was created by Macklebee ** Best viewed in HD
  15. Should be in the hydro data .. which for me is a folder but I tend to unpack everything as I like chaos
  16. No problems, I never actually looked through your code as the problem is 99.9% of the time not giving the controller mass.
  17. Have you set body mass for the controller?
  18. CCTV using Leadwerks Engine 2.3 from an app. written in Blitzmax as a proof of concept. Source
  19. For Local X:Int = 1 To CountChildren( scene ) Local Child:TEntity = GetChild( scene, X ) Print GetEntityKey( Child, "name" ) Next Works for me in Bmax with a loaded scene.
  20. Just something you experiment with
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