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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. The physics serialisation format was changed in 2.28 so its more than likely your .phy files need re-doing.
  2. My guess is no unless compiling the project rewrites the ATI drivers.
  3. Yep, thanks Nio (and to gimpy for the re-up) always useful to have a test object.
  4. Excellent work Nio, all works fine in Editor and in Bmax.
  5. Don't you need to set the OC for the object that is to be culled not the object doing the culling? and would a better check be to see a drop in polys renders?
  6. Kewl new Toys to play with on a Sunday morning thanks Nio, will play with this now ....
  7. Aww I was just starting the day on a high thinking I was unique
  8. OK, thanks thought it best to check. Using: Framework.Effects.EdgeAntiAliasing.Enabled = true; Gives the error: 'Leadwerks.Framework.Effects' does not contain a definition for 'EdgeAntiAliasing'
  9. I have a Bank specific issued Maestro card, it does. Maybe thats the difference?
  10. As Lumooja said, these are only usable in the editor there is a dexsoft-games.txt in the same folder.
  11. You can get the NIF Tools for blender Here
  12. Its not something I have tried so I cant say if it would work, might pay to look at the file format of the Alpha_ xxxxx .DDS that the editor creates when saving a map.
  13. 3D World Studio is very good for builings and such I swear by it (never at it )
  14. No its not, after I did a full fresh install it was not there.
  15. Ah .. you kinda lost me as you started off it seemed wanting SM2.0
  16. I'd have thought it would be a bug if it had not worked for us, what are your system specs?
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