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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. look in the directory where you installed the Leadwerks SDK.
  2. it will be in the root of your SDK Dir. Along with MaterialEditor.exe
  3. Not from the information you have supplied what does it say in your MaterialEditor.log?
  4. what about ResetFramework() ?
  5. Seems to be the case otherwise this shouldn't work should it when commenting out that line? maybe LoadScene() frees everything on initialising?
  6. yep, just tried that and it does get rid of the error.
  7. Is it a 3 digit code its asking for ?
  8. TBH ... I'd freak out on you to if you shot me Downloading ...
  9. Ah .. so I didn't have a point then ... oh well one day .. it will happen ... I'll have one ... mark my words
  10. Thats what I thought, maybe Gordon can try it and see if his error goes and its not just a fluke for me and the maps I am using?
  11. I should say done outside of the 2.3 Editor, oddly running the script from the Lua Editor seems to not produce the error, but draging the script onto the Engine.exe does.
  12. I made a simple flat terrain one texture no atmosphere and used the train.sbx all works fine the app changes map and no error when exiting. Add an atmophere to the blank map and the error occurs. This was done outside of the editor. So there is a problem.
  13. Thats the fun part or maybe thats just me ... but I find the more I have to "experiment" the more I actually learn.
  14. There was a paypal link here Sorry that one was for the upgrade.
  15. Agreed, along with the showcase and gallery and not to mention a simple search on youtube and google videos, there are even reviews, and I think Josh is working on the new Demo.
  16. Well you might on those forums, but here you'd get an answer, as you can't search all the forums. But the forums that you can't search are generally tech support and code, not required if you are not a registered SDK owner. but again you have yet to ask a Q that a *potential* customer might ask. or any Q for that matter, only why are the forums locked.
  17. All new to me too .. I just do what I always do "whats this do .. eeeek ok .. what about that ... oh dear ... AHA".. Its a simple technique but gets me there in the end
  18. Two things, why would engines that are free do that? and maybe those that are not free should?
  19. To be honest you have yet to ask a Q that a *potential* customer might ask.
  20. Its certainly some very impressive artwork Kevin.
  21. why? what exactly do you want people to do with them?
  22. Does the occlusion culling in LE effect wireframe? I mean is it rendered the same?
  23. thanks for that info Nio, I will simply have to try them to find out
  24. ok thanks seems straight forward enough .. is it only .fbx that supports hierarchies?
  25. yep, thats true. for dynamic objects you'd have to also save as .obj ... I was just thinking about a workflow that would mean not having to change modelling program to do the initial creation. @Niosop : Good afternoon, cool .. so you'd model the seperate objects .. save out to .obj and import into Blender to be saved out to .fbx , would you just position the parts in blender as required?
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