EDIT: never mind mack got there first
EDIT2: but you do need to space out the text ... too cluttered... too hard on the eyes (the text being printed in app)
Local Vec:TVec3 = Vec3(10, 10, 10)
Local text:String = "camera"
DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 10, 100) 'fails
DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 10, 120) ' fails
DrawText(text + vec.x, 10, 140) 'works
DrawText(text + vec.x, 10, 160) ' works
' comment the draw texts above OR the drawvector below out OR set fw.main.setstats(0), and code works
DrawVector("camera", Vec3(10, 10, 10), 0, 200) 'EntityPosition(fw.Main.camera)