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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. Thanks for that Nio, its probably the "quicker" otpion than hunting though the mess that is my storage drive
  2. Excellent and very generous of you to share this I will have a play with that now .. I think I have the libtheoraplayer somewhere on the HDD's .. Thank you.
  3. Ok, I have MSV C# Express just lying dormant on my HDD in a "virginal" state .. whats the quickest way to set up a project to try out LE using C#?
  4. I am sure he has his reasons .. or there are reasons ..
  5. Also just as an informational point, if you do decide to update from 2.26 to 2.28 ... you will have to redo all your .phy files again, see HERE
  6. Ley Lines I was being flippant Sounds a bit like someones problem with a "stuttering" camera .. a simple reboot helped I think
  7. Well if LoadModel and loading into the Editor create a .phy file thats the same as the one you have already got I'd suggest looking at the models conversion, also have you tried obj2gmf.exe ? The .ini file is where you'd specify a mass for the model. look in the oildrum models folder to see an example.
  8. Do you mean this Character Shop ?
  9. Do you mean the .phy file created with obj2phy? Did you create an .ini file for the model?
  10. Great I am glad that fixed it for you .. and no problems, I hope to put up more code as and when I can which might be of some use to someone
  11. Very true, also simply loading into the editor will create a .phy only these types are not effected by gravity, but if thats not an issue then it would be simpler.
  12. //Beermode ON Thats a very good question ..... //Beermode OFF : Systems Error no such file or command.
  13. That it is, and was in my price range too
  14. Did you use phygen.exe or obj2phy.exe from the tools folder in the SDK?
  15. Can you list the workflow for creating the .phy?
  16. but why multiply move and strafe per 3? First number I hit oddly multiplying by 1 works as well ...
  17. did you just change the acceleration value or did you change the whole line? UpdateController(player,camrotation.Y,move*3,strafe*3,jump,500);
  18. Also what scene.gmf? is it the one for the controller tutorial?
  19. Simply post monsterfuncs.h as code the same as you did for the main prog.
  20. If you want others to run your code you would also need to post the monsterfuncs.h
  21. Well first of all try changing: UpdateController(player,camrotation.Y,move,strafe,jump,10000); To something like: UpdateController(player,camrotation.Y,move*3,strafe*3,jump,500); See if there is an improvement.
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