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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. Nope, "regardless of size or shape or weight,will free fall with the same acceleration in a vacuum." The accelration is due to what ever value gravity has, the difference in an atmosphere is down to drag where size or shape will have an effect. Take a sheet of paper, and a ball, drop both .. the result is the sheet of paper falls far more slowly than the ball, now ...crunch the paper up into a ball and repeat.. both fall at the same speed ... you have not added any mass to the paper by crunching it up though.
  2. Have you tried looking over at Newton Game Dynamics to see what "rule of thumb" they use? they might have an answer I have not looked myself. Not sure if it would be a mass issue for your example of dropping a ball, as it would be a gravity value and air resistance/Drag issue, all objects, regardless of size or shape or weight,will free fall with the same acceleration in a vacuum.
  3. OK just so you have something more to go on Gordon, I quickly made a simple box room with no roof in 3DWS, using two textures. Werkflow: 1 Saved map to empty folder in .3dw format 2 exported map to same folder in .b3d format ( this exports the textures used in the map to the folder, saves time. I then delete the .b3d file) 3. Used 3dw2gmf.cmd to convert to .gmf (making sure relevant dll's and exe's are in the new folder) (3dw2gmf.cmd can be found here in Lumooja's power tutorial for Gamelib) 4. Use Genmat.exe to make .mat files (I am still using a 2.27 version) *I only have DDS format textures in the 3DWS materials folder so obvioulsy convert non .dds textures to .dds 5. Move .gmf .mat's and .dds's to a folder in Models in 2.3 6. Tested in 2.3's editor:
  4. lol no need to feel like that, happens to all of us Am glad you managed to get it working.
  5. What sort of map are you building in 3DWS? terrain, rooms or both?
  6. I have just made a new project, Used the code supplied by Flexman in that thread on the old forum, changed the .phy file for the truck (and the oil drum which is not mentioned) and it all works for me using Bmax 1.35 and for this the 2.28 DLL's.
  7. Check the other settings, the emiiter dialog seems not to reflect the emitter thats created, so colour will be 0,0,0 and so will transparency, when you change the particle amount it will set the emitters values to that and anything else in the different sections of the properties dialogue.
  8. In C++ CameraRange(fw.GetMain().GetCamera(), 0.1f, 1000.0f); CameraRange(fw.GetBackground().GetCamera(), 0.1f, 1000.0f); CameraRange(fw.GetTransparency().GetCamera(), 0.1f, 1000.0f); Of course using the values you want...
  9. I suppose there would be a couple of ways: Look for something for the Skybox etc. that is unique to that entity. and Key in on that. skymaterial? Or create an entity naming option in the standard lua script for the Atmosphere: group:AddProperty("EntityName",PROPERTY_STRING,"","Name") and then parse the .sbx looking for that if "EntityName" = whatever, cuts out trying to use the automatic incremental numeric naming the editor does.
  10. The only thing I can think of with the controller not moving is you have to add mass to it.
  11. Thanks for all your responses, it was never about what would be easiest or quickest to learn/use/Master though, I was trying to decide which would be best for the new functionality of 2.3 I have made a decision and I am going to use ......
  12. Hi Chris, yes I was following your work with Navmeshes and AI on the old forum, all very interesting and good stuff. I am glad its still ongoing and look forward to seeing more on this.
  13. As far as I know lua does not use Josh's Abstract file system. So could be a path issue. Having said that, you are attempting to write a lua script in the lua editor?
  14. Only 46 hours? you lightweight lol Have a nice nap.
  15. I have been working with mack on that very issue @length
  16. I suppose so you did read the dexsoft-games.txt that resides in the same Private folder as the .pak files you were looking at? Does it matter?
  17. As far as I know water01DOT3.dds is not included in the SDK when testing the water plane under framewerk in C++ I got this to, I don't know if its needed. Probably the same as the old erroneous loading attempt of 723.dds
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