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Newbie (1/14)



  1. no i see Leadwerks Sanbox on YOutube and quite easy . ok Q : can i use Leadwerks Sanbox to make terrian ? Q : how can i make game with using Leadwerks Engine ? Q : If someone didn't know about programming he can't use Leadwerks. ******** PLZ I LIKE LEADWERKS ************
  2. Hi I am Newbie and want to know whether i use Terrian made with Leadwerks Sanbox can be used in FPS CREATOR X10 . I am Complete newbie and didn't know about any programming language so can i use Leadwerks. i saw on Youyube Leadwerks Sanbox its easy is their any difference in Leadwerks SDK and LeadWerks Sanbox. there is the place where i came from http://www.thegamecreators.com/?m=view_product&id=2031 i want to make Terrian with Leadwerks and then use it in FPS Creator X10 . plz guide me. Thnkx
  3. O great I like it it was done in LeadWerks Sandbox or LeadWerks SDK i am NewBie.
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