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Everything posted by brndx

  1. Lua. I'm also compiling it with the large address aware linker option. Strangely enough on a Liquidsky PC with 6GB of ram the game uses less ram and doesn't crash at all. When releasing the map the ram usage drops to 210mb consistently while on my laptop with 8GB ram the usage will first drop to 290mb and rise to about 700mb before plateauing. So when it gets to 700mb once it loads the map the ram usage is 1.2GB. On the Liquidsky PC the ram usage never exceeds 550mb.
  2. I'm aware the files will be needed in order to reproduce the problem but since they are quite large (~5GB) I wanted to first see if anyone else has come across crashes like this: Unhandled Exception at 0x00401DB1 : Fatal program exit requested I've attempted to debug the problem myself but as you'd expect with such little information it has been quite difficult. These crashes generally occur after about 10 - 15 minutes of play time either at the start or middle of a map.
  3. if tostring(self.entity:GetKeyValue("name")) == "Suspension0" then
  4. The review was not written because of some knee jerk response rather it was the result of my four years of experience with the engine and the disappointment from players regarding the lack of certain common features such as pausing a game when focus on the game window is lost.
  5. It turns out this also occurs if models or textures are loaded from an archive file and if the method is called in the start function.
  6. It's discrete (FirePro M6000).
  7. I discovered that if the SetTerrainQuality method is called outside of the app start function or if sound files are placed in an archive when loading a new map the ram usage will increase to more than double its usual amount before terminating with a "failed to set shadowmap texture" or "gl_framebuffer_incomplete_attachment" so I've had to remove the terrain option from my settings and keep the sound files unprotected making them accessible to anyone.
  8. Unfortunately the LETheora.dll file was created for Leadwerks 2 some eight years ago so I doubt the source code is still around to build the necessary file.
  9. When loading the LETheora.dll I receive an "Invalid ELF header" error so I'm guessing I need the shared object version of the LETheora library or another way to play videos in the engine for Linux. Is there another way to have the dll work without somehow accessing the source code and recompiling it to build a shared object?
  10. Regardless of the collision type assigned to the terrain or character controller in 4.5 and 4.5 beta the cc will not collide with the terrain rendering all maps with terrain unplayable. This does not occur in previous versions of Leadwerks.
  11. Sorry I meant to say enable occlusion culling.
  12. Try disabling occlusion culling on the lense flare.
  13. I'm using Ubuntu 17.04 and CodeBlocks 16.01.
  14. When I attempt to compile the binary in CodeBlocks I receive the following output: /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  15. Hi, When attempting to launch my game some people have reported a crash with a bank resize error. There are other forum posts about this error but they seem to be occurring in the Leadwerks editor not when running a game.
  16. Ok. Is there anything other than the sounds / sound sources that aren't released by world:clear()?
  17. Do the variables holding the sound using Sound:Load need to be released or is it just the sound sources?
  18. The memory usage in my game appears to increase as the player progresses through more maps which leads me to believe that not everything is being released. This eventually results in a "not enough memory" error or vegetation / textures not loading. Are the sound sources released when world:clear() is called?
  19. brndx


    Hi, I'm setting up steam cloud saves and need to know if the method AppDataPath() which returns %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/ on Windows will return ~/ on Linux making the settings below correct.
  20. Rather than just switching the music right away you could decrement the volume value then pause the first sound and play the second sound then increment the volume value.
  21. You can change the font and size by calling the correct methods. For example: myfont = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf",14) context:SetFont(myfont)
  22. You're right I may need to just remove the splashscreen for the linux version as it isn't that important. My distro is Ubuntu 17.04 which I'm pretty sure is the most up to date. All the maps in the entire game use the same shaders which are also stock.
  23. Hi, Upon launching my game I receive an Assert Failed Error before the splashscreen is able to be displayed which uses Window.Center. This issue only occurs when running the Linux version of the game. The other crash is more mysterious as it occurs on both platforms but only for certain people. It occurs at one particular map but this map contains no unique scripts and there is no error logged rather just a "not responding" message.
  24. Altering the scale to 1.0 seems to have worked.
  25. The scale is (0.014,0.014,0.017). Perhaps changing it to 1.0 will solve the problem.
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