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  1. hi Draque! I solved as follows: -Open de Steam Client. - Click in View Menu - click in Small Mode.
  2. me before sending me to the steam site: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251810 I guess the store is not enabled.
  3. there you could follow to solve the following post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9374-cant-start-le31-steam-standard-edition/ download the following file: http://www.leadwerks.com/files/vcredist_x86.exe install it and began to work properly! thanks for the help!
  4. Hello, buy indie edition version on steam once downloaded and I try running a sign that says "Preparing to launch Leadwerks" then the window closes and the program does not run but does not show me any error. Attach picture my PC OS: Win 7 RAM: 8GB Video Card: geforce GT 440 thanks!
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