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  1. Hey guys, I am just looking to see if any body is generous enough to help me out with aquiring some free models? I have no intention on making any profit on them or anything I am merely learning how to use Leadwerks so far and I just want some sensable functional models with textures and what not. I dont want CRAZY looking models, I try to do them myself with blender but im not great. I am looking for a set of models that fit a low poly cartoony style demo of a game I want to create as a learning project. If you think you can assist me pleasssee PM me or send me an email. Thanks in advance, I will provide further information on what I am looking for during a personal conversation!
  2. How do you guys work together? Do you each have your own specific job orr.... do you all learn it all as a team and try to do it all together, are you guys working in the same room? Or are you spread apart from each other? Me and a few dudes are actually excited to work together and what not but we liove quite a bit away from each other. We are going to use an FTP client and what not to spread our files to each other but is that enough? What do you guys recommend, in terms of what makes a good organized team on making a video game?
  3. Thanks a lot RIck! I appreciate it a bunch! Ima send you a PM about scheduling something when ever you got time?
  4. Okay that sounds cool if I get the cash ill hit you up. Justk now that if I do, I expect you to dumb it down quite a bit haha. I am very .... very slow. I catch on quick though once I get the IDEA of how structuring it works and what speaks to what though. 10 Bucks aint bad though!
  5. New to leadwerks, and I have NO programming expeirence what so ever and so far peeps been telling me start with LUA. Then a friend said hey check this engine out. Looks like a great starting place. SO Now to my question. Ive scouted the forums lareayd nad found the tutorials and what not but still, is there an entry level tutorial that can teach me how to write a basic script for like a main menu. Something that is pretty much dumbed down for people who are stupid? Lol But yeah, I have a feeling of what things MEAN but I dont know how to struture it into a script and make it interactable and what not. Thanks in advance though I do appreciate it. If you want to team up and learn together or even teach me if you want to practice it yourself and what not hit me up Again, thanks a bunch.
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