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Everything posted by nick.ace

  1. This is what is probably going on. You are grabbing the entity's rotation before the next physics update. Physics I think is run on a separate thread, so by forcing VSync(), you are allowing more time for the physics to update, but this may not always be the case. You'll probably get better results if you put your methods in the UpdatePhysics function. However, I think you'll need to place this script onto an entity because I don't think that the App "class" has it, but I could be wrong.
  2. Quick question, what is the execution order of Lua scripts? For example, if I have a scene with 3 entities with Lua scripts, is the Lua script of the entity that is listed first always called first? I apologize if this is a repeated question since this sounds pretty basic, I tried searching but I couldn't find anything
  3. That's a good point Naughty Alien, because from a machine standpoint, a Taylor series is usually used to compute more complex mathematical functions (not too sure about square root, but I would guess so). Would it be much slower for Lua? I would suspect that since it is a built-in Lua function, the interpretation would call the machine code for computing a square root. I feel that the interpretation overhead wouldn't come close to the calculation time. I might be wrong about this though, I just like to learn about these things!
  4. Actually, wburton72, there can be things wrong with using external programs. For example, CSG brushes can improve performance (by taking advantage of instances) and help relieve physics issues generated by polymeshes. Also, CSG modelling is arguably quicker and easier for creating environments on the fly since you see the results instantly. Don't get me wrong, using external programs like you suggested are great in many situations, but so is CSG. That's why there is a demand for it.
  5. Thanks Ma-Shell! I'll have to read that link and see if I can do it with the MakeHuman plugin.
  6. Ok, after talking to Haydenmango, I found that using these export controls cause the animation issues, so don't use them.
  7. Actually, I don't use either of those two options. Does it animate well in Blender?
  8. Yeah sorry about that TattieBoJangle, I wish I had one too! Haydenmango, are you setting the animation frame when you update the game? For example, in Lua there is a command called SetAnimationFrame() that you need to use in one of the update loops. I got tripped up by this two the first time I animated because I thought animation was automatic. The argument for SetAnimationFrame() should be a time variable or something like that so that the frame changes (if the argument is a float, then the bone positions interpolate, which is useful as well). Tell me if this works, if it doesn't then I'll see what I did to get it to work that's different from what you did. Also, the clothes shouldn't matter, I got my character to work with a bunch of extra stuff. As long as the materials have an animation shader, it should work fine.
  9. What do you mean by this? The tutorial only goes over how to use MakeHuman and CMU animations. I don't think it would work with other characters (maybe I'm wrong though). Combining animations is something that I know how to do only with bvh files, as other file formats become more complicated. If you want to select a certain amount of animation frames, the BVH Hacker tool allows you to do this.
  10. Hi everyone! Just wanted to share a video tutorial I made! Sorry about the video quality, I'm really bad at making videos, better stick to game development . I hope it's useful! Notes: -In the Lua script for the animated model, you MUST use SetAnimationFrame(), as the model for some reason doesn't automatically animate.
  11. What's considered identical? For example, if an object has the same mdl and mat files, is it identical another object or are there other variables that come into play?
  12. Thanks for the explanation. Anyway, I guess that would make sense since Unity also has a big mobile department. I guess I'll probably concentrate less on atlassing, but as Flexman said, for smaller objects I suppose it would be good just to reduce the number of draw calls.
  13. Well, it's a bit difficult for me to point you in the right direction because I don't know where exactly you are stuck. However, Aggror makes great tutorials, and one of them deals with setting up a simple AI that you might find useful: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=215796090 I terms of a melee system though, there are various ways to approach this, some more trivial than others. I would recommend just treating the melee weapon as a gun, and then just check the distance of the raycast (should already be in the FPSPlayer.lua code) and if it's less than a certain distance, register a hit.
  14. Thanks gamecreator for creating this! I hope there is a very big turnout!
  15. Thanks for the link gamecreator! What I was really wondering wasn't so much about megatextures as it was about using many small textures in one big texture. What I mean is that if you have a few small props with individual UVs and separate textures, then I think you would get better performance if you combine them into one texture. If you Google search "atlas textures" you should see what I'm talking about.
  16. So I was reading a something from a post on one of Unity's forums (I'm not interested in the engine, but some of the discussions there are helpful), and atlas texturing seems to be a big thing there. I had no idea that one large texture that combined multiple small textures could improve performance substantially. Anyway, how does Leadwerks draw textures under the hood? Does it go through all draw calls like Unity (and thus atlas texturing is important)? Also, are textures dynamically freed when the last instance of a material is hidden from view? Thanks in advance for any feedback! I'm trying to determine how to best achieve certain levels of performance in the long run.
  17. I think at that point, Leadwerks would only be responsible for anything either loaded in the editor or static names through code (or both). I think a better design would be to require that the dynamically loaded objects (such as barrel1.mdl, barrel2.mdl, etc.) be added manually since there is no way to predicting this. Also, on a related note, I'm not a huge fan of the editor loading everything each time you start up. My start ups take a while, but I like keeping assets on hand in the menu and only loaded when needed.
  18. Sorry for flooding this thread with suggestions... Support for more file formats: -Could ogg be supported? It's way too much data using wav for music. -Hopefully other 3D file formats could be imported as well (such as obj), this isn't that necessary though -Support for other heighmap file formats. I have no idea why raw is the only format excepted, it's not even a common format. Why can't bmp or png images be used as well?
  19. Yeah, I thought it was just my computer. You can still access the lower ones by selecting an object higher up and using the arrow keys. I know this isn't a fix, but it could be a workaround for the meantime.
  20. Well, I mean, it should be easy enough to test it. All you have to do is put the bober trainstation from the Steam Workshop in a map and run the FPS lua script in it and just walk around a little. You'll inevitably be stopped by trying to go through different door frames and as well as the bent metal panels on floor. (Note that this is not the only instance that this occurs, but I've had many problems with stepping over small objects with this model).
  21. Going off of what reepblue suggested, in terms of saving, it would be nice if you could also save the positive/rotations/keys of entities. This is important for some openworld games where on loadup, you expect the world to be exactly the same as when you last exited.
  22. Is there an easy pipeline to autorigging characters without Maximo?
  23. Yes, I think Noshi's suggestion is a must have. I also think that Rastar's is necessary to encourage further growth of the engine (and to take part of Josh's workload off). I would really like to see some sort of vegetation system soon as well as proper vehicle physics. The lack of these two features really narrow down the number of games one can easily make. Also, I would like the recast commands to be exposed to Lua users as well for us RTS people.
  24. Sometimes the character controller appears to not step over very thin objects. For example, when using the bober trainstation from the workshop, the character controller will get stuck on the various debris and even some of the slightly elevated door frames (yet the navmesh generation still points to them as valid paths, as they should be).
  25. I was having issues before with animation naming in Leadwerks, but this sort of solves that! It looks nice too!
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