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  1. Hi! I just tryed to change the physic shape of some nails, suddenly I get this error: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO now I can't start Leadwerks anymore. I wanne release my demo tomorrow so that is... Help please! ;D SOLVED Just deleted the physic file I created! Leadwerks runs and runs and....like before ;D
  2. Great work! Thank you for this gift, I want to give you something too! Feel free to have a look here: https://sellfy.com/plaggy and tell me what you may like!
  3. hi, here you find some stuff you may need http://opengameart.org/ ;D
  4. plaggy

    Game Player Preview

    I like this kind of innovations, thank you! ;D
  5. Hi! Just bought the Leadwerks engine indie edition couple of days ago. Is it right that am still only Member and not Developer as status on my account here?
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