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Everything posted by ocean

  1. Unfortunately, no... It makes no difference. I've made a model of a room in blender which I've imported and placed just behind that disappearing csg wall and it shows through when it happens. I'm not sure how the culling system works, and if perhaps my GPU is having trouble handling it. Of course, it could be the Linux drivers as well.
  2. Thanks for all the great information. I'm not exactly worried about accuracy as this is more of a stylistic project. I could have gone for flat color, but I want more grittiness, so a certain amount of texturing is needed but relatively low-res.
  3. Is there anything I could pay attention to to minimize it?
  4. Oh, okay... So, there's nothing wrong with my building? Just seemed strange that it was always those particular walls. The framerate ranges from around 48-60.
  5. Here's a crappy video of the problem. https://goo.gl/photos/tN517NSL2aRVcCWE9
  6. I was wondering if someone could help me diagnose a consistent problem I'm having in my maps where when the FPS player turns around quickly some objects and csg brushes have disappeared, revealing the skybox beyond, and then pops back into existence. I can't understand why, because my scenes can't be considered complex at all (The counter says approx. 1500 polys and around 4700 shadow polys with 4 lights in one map I've just started.), and the gameplay is otherwise super smooth. But it leaves me a little bit apprehensive about continuing because it feels like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong. It's the east walls (if you look at the map from the above view in the editor.) Using Leawerks 4.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 with a HD6670 graphics card. start.map.zip
  7. Great news! I shall try. However, another question has popped up... Is there any way to maintain the material colors on a blender object when exporting as .fbx?
  8. I'd like to get some tips on how to go about texturing my models. Uv-unwrapping is not something I excel at and unwrapping/ texturing models more complex than very basic geometric shapes proves somewhat difficult. My models aren't particularly complex to begin with. They're mostly manipulated cubes, very low poly (but still complex enough for me when joined). So I was wondering if it's possible to unwrap and texture these cubes separately and then join them into a complete mesh after the fact? Would it then have one single uv map and texture to deal with? And would it handle being exported for use in Leadwerks? I work in Blender, by the way. Thanks for all your help.
  9. Ah! Brilliant. Thank you for taking the time.
  10. Here's the map. Thanks for helping out. start.map.zip
  11. Hmm... I just applied the script to a csg brush. I couldn't find a swinging door prefab. Just sliders.
  12. Thanks both. I am unable to find a 'offset' property on the sliding door script. So, I take it you mean the 'swinging door' script. But setting it doesn't remedy the problem. It looks like the pivot is too far from the door's back so that it swings open far to wide.
  13. I am confused as to how to set up swinging doors correctly in Leadwerks. As it is now it looks like the doors are mounted on hinges that extend 20 cm from the wall.
  14. Good to know, but .01 seems more correct in my case, at least.
  15. Ok. I see... Neither mp3 or ogg is allowed for uploading for some reason even if zipped. Seems a little wasteful to me, unless I wanted to provide the stems for customized mixing. Which I would if I still had the project files. Oh, well...
  16. Thank you. I will, but why .wav? Those are very large files aren't they?
  17. Here's a couple of old tracks I made a couple of years ago. Hope it can be use to someone. There's plenty more if there is interest. I'm just getting back into music composition, so I just thought I'd share. Thanks. MusicPack_01.zip
  18. Hey! I actually managed to make it work all by my lonesome. Posting the script here for reference. Had to remove the [index] from the jump sound, but I assume that's because there's only a single sound for that event(?) FPSPlayer.lua
  19. Coding isn't exactly my forte, but I really want to learn. I'm confused. So, self.source = Source:Create() Must be added to every sound loaded, or just once, because it's one player controller that emits the sound? Does anyone have a modified FPSPlayer.lua I can look over and perhaps learn from?
  20. Cool. Thanks Worked beautifully.
  21. Is it possible to hide a group of brushes/ objects so they don't clutter the view? I tried moving things into a filter, but it doesn't seem to give any options to hide anything.
  22. I've exported a model from Blender (2.76b) using the add-on, but when importing it into Leadwerks it appears without any texturing. Is this right? It is unwrapped and everything and textures are applied in Blender. Tried to import the textures separately and making materials, but they don't seem to map properly on the object itself, and the ambient occlusion doesn't appear at all. Need a step by step guide, if anyone has the time. Thanks.
  23. You people are awesome. Great work. Revisiting my ultra-low poly game idea and just working on some assets at the moment.
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