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Everything posted by NarkLord

  1. Scarlet that's true when you factor in the Australia Tax. In America 400 could be right
  2. I don't think it's documented. I just guessed. I'm finding most things about the engine quite intuitive. Although initially I thought --out should have worked
  3. This will work function Script:GetValue()--arg return self.thevalue end
  4. Ohh it's at the bottom, very sneaky
  5. Some of these might have been mentioned already: A filter / search input for the asset / scene browsers. You can select an object in the Scene browser and right click -> Go To : You should also be able to select an object in the 3d viewport and double click it to highlight in the scene browser. Rightclicking a node in the Flowgraph editor should bring up Go To Script option that has a drop down list of all attached scripts that will open in the script editor when selected. Ability to zoom in and out in the Flowgraph Editor and also put nodes into groups which just highlights them in a rectangle maybe with a label. Just small things that can greatly improve productivity by being intuitive.
  6. Yea for sure, with such a powerful navigation system I just think being able to drill down a little bit will significantly improve the engines flexibility.
  7. I think having more navigation info available to tweak would be an advantage in the future and definitely something I would be interested in. I understand that there is pathfinding and then collision avoidance, but being able to sesperate these will allow greater flexibility for different genres. An example could be an RTS that requires less precise and an expensive collision avoidance
  8. I have a few questions regarding navigation. Is it possible to access a path from the navmesh and not use the inbuilt collision avoidance. This would be useful in some scenarios with lots of units and also some gametypes where collision avoidance between characters isn't required but navigation is.
  9. Just some feedback from the eval on my PC. Runs pretty well but there are some big hangups and occasional crashes when running DA. After entering through the doors before goblins attack there is a big lag. Same lag happens in other areas randomly and occasional crash. I know these bugs will be fixed but just giving feedback. Pretty cool otherwise. Would like more info on navmesh generation and how it will deal with narrow paths like a small bridge that navmesh won't generate for.
  10. Im south australian (the best state)
  11. Interesting discussion, does this mean for example that you could use the pathfinding and dynamic navmesh generation of Leadwerks3D in another engine?
  12. I'm just excited to see what the capabilities of LE3 are, I have no intention of developing for mobile devices but I do want to play around with the dynamic nav mesh and pathfinding . With these low end graphics LE3 should run extremely well on pc shouldn't it? Iv'e always been one for gameplay over graphics any day.
  13. ok I'll try that. I'll just add that with the shadows quality disabled this shadow acne does not occur at all. and the scene looks fine. Moving objects don't cast shadows but the level does. Is it strange that the same spot in a scene(with no moving objects to cast shadows) looks great with shadow quality disabled and gets the acne when shadow quality is on medium or high? The attatched pic is the same area with shadow quality disabled
  14. Ok I'll try to make some of those changes. Changing the quality of the shadows to high does not make much difference. When I select disable the level looks much better and there's no graininess at all obviously because the shadows that are causing this aren't being rendered. What type of shadows does that shadow quality setting refer to? because spotlights and that still render and they look perfect EDIT: putting the shadow quality on low, makes a lower shadow quality however the graininess disappears.. on medium or High the graininess comes back, so I'll try and experiment. EDIT2: Ive tried shadowmap resolution, this helps to a certain degree, there's a small amount of fuzziness on the edges, which isn't too bad. The main problem can be seen in the attached picture. the grains that appear all over the walls when the texture quality is on medium or high. This doesn't happen on low or disabled.
  15. Just a question regarding shadows in leadwerks. They seem very grainy in the tunnels test demo, and others, especially around the edges. Is this just how they are or am I missing something? Ive attached an image that shows what I'm talking about.
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