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  1. Maybe I'm asking the question wrong. From what I understand from Rick, The cylinder(View->show physics) in the image is bound to the center of mass of the Box(primitives->box) when using the character controller. This can be changed using the Entity::SetMass function. But when is the "Shape offset" values in the editor used/not used? Shouldn't offset offset the center of mass too? From what I understand/have tried the offset values is only used with 'rigid body'. But then what more is not used when using the character controller? Is the x in the box model not the center of rotation? Is that not also a pivot?
  2. I wrote this before Rick replied: Why would it not be possible to bind a box(the object, not the physics->shape) to a character controller? What is the difference between that and all tutorials importing a model and binding it straight to the controller without using the pivot/child method? I understand what you mean with the pivot/child, but is offset disabled when using character controller? I don't understand how/when offset work/don't work. To rick What I thought was binding to the pivot is really binding to the center of the mass?
  3. I have created 2 boxes. One for the floor and one for the player. If I select the box, set it to character controller and character. Then it creates a collsion cylinder around the player starting from the pivot and up. But how come I can't change the offset with this config? Is character controller bound to use the pivot without the offset values?
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