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  1. Yeah im using Blender to create tree models etc.. I just dont want to have to place those models 1x1.
  2. How then, do i gather permission to downloads assets, not from workshop but from the site? It states i dont have permission.
  3. Hey guys, I have a large terrain of 2048 x 2048 and im guessing this is the reason. When im not too far zoomed i can see fine: But if i simply zoom out once, How can i increase render distance in editor??
  4. mdgrigg


    Shadoh could I ask how you laid down the large amount of trees?
  5. Does anybody know how i can get the Developer Tag under my forum name? I purchased Leadwerks via steam. Regards, Griggzy
  6. Good idea, thanks Rick I'll look into it.
  7. Thanks Aggror, my WIP is 4096 x 4096 do I am trying to avoid placing by hand, i was talking to ChrisV and he suggested creating a group prefab of trees (thanks dude) and im probably going to resort to that for now, only problem is ill more than likely have to manually adjust for terrain vertices\slope angles.
  8. Hi guys, wondering if anyone could explain the easiest ways to place a large amount of trees on the terrain, preferably randomised with different heights and variation. Can't wait for the vegetation took in terrain tab! "Fingers crossed" I'm assuming a script would be the only way. Appreciate your time guys, Griggzy
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