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  1. A scene can be cleared without deleting an entity if the entity is still being referenced by something else. In C++, this would normally mean you're using another shared pointer as a reference when you should be using a weak pointer. No clue about Lua to be honest.
  2. Sounds like you have objects/pointers still in use. Ultra Engine uses smart pointers and if something is still pointing to an object or entity, the entity will not be deleted.
  3. I've updated the script to be SpecMapToORM (Occlusion-Roughness-Metal) and added the "Specular map suffixes" option under Material Generation. The red channel is also now filled with white instead of black, but it'll not make any difference. This still seems to take quite a bit to generate but it works. This will probably only be used for projects that want to emulate the Bling-Phong Shading look.
  4. I would like features that would have made the FPS Template easier to work on. Small ideas may include but not limited too: Flowgraph Connections being saved in prefabs. Fullbright rendermode (So I don't have to keep changing the ambient light to see.) Strip Lights, and cone angles for the box light. Adjustable post effect parameters. I still would like a rotation parameter foe materials. I personally believe that in version 0.9.9, models should undergo a significant revamp similar to the one the brushes received in version 0.9.8. A promising starting point would be to enable vertex painting on models through the editor. Tintmaps and model skins would greatly enhance the user experience, eliminating the need for duplicate models to achieve different appearances. Additionally, streamlining the art workflow and allowing unwrapping within the model editor would be beneficial.
  5. Hello, Thank you for your feedback. (The level designer here!) We have a dip near the particle by the spinning light. This is because a new shader needs to be created and we/Josh didn't have enough time. Hopefully in a future update this will be patch. I also experience what seems to be latency issues at times (High frame rate, sluggish feel) but we probably need to figure that out. The good news is that Josh has a great scene to find and iron out these issues for the 1.0 release. You can try lowing camera and world settings in your project file to see if that helps. There are no Lua scripts for the FPS template at this time but they are being worked on by Josh and it he said it should be available next week.
  6. 3 downloads

    This package includes development textures and materials in various colors. This restores grid01, grid02, wall01 and wall02 that were cut from 0.9.8 without the normal map. All these materials use the Lambertian shader so that they always remain and flat basic. Standard measurements for door, window and stair sizes are also included.
  7. The old Sliding Door component is under Motion while the new one we've made is under Physics because it needs physics to work. At the sametime, the newer component doesn't support sounds. Maybe not supporting sounds is a good thing and sounds should be reserved for the ambient noise component?
  8. 4 downloads

    This export preset is for easily exporting materials painted using ArmorPaint for Ultra Engine. The diffuse color, normal will be exported and the ORM texture will have the masks in the correct channel. The only thing this doesn't support is emission textures. To install, place the ultra.json file in your data\export_presets directory of your ArmorPaint installation. If you're running ArmorPaint on macOS, you'll need to open the ArmorPaint application as a folder and insert the file within that. (Importing presets on macOS crashes the application.)
  9. 2 downloads

    The new Preprocessor for the Ultra Engine entity component system. This will remove the need to ever edit ComponentSystem.h ever again to register new components for C++ projects. Install the executable to the Tools folder of your Ultra Engine installation. Then simply call the Executable in your Pre-Build Event and the tool will generate a RegisterComponents.h file within your Source directory. This assumes you are making one component per file and the name of the class matches the header file. A blank JSON file for the editor will be generated if none exists. By default, this assumes it's in the same location as your solution. To set the working directory, use *+project* to set the location. "%ULTRAENGINE%\Tools\Preprocessor.exe" +project "path/to/project"
  10. 3 downloads

    This folder will allow you to create new projects without a need of choosing a language. This is useful for art projects, You can also edit the "language" keyvalue of your project's Ultra.json file to "None" from the previous language being used. This will allow you to still update your project to get the latest shaders without pulling any template source code. This is great for existing projects or projects that use multiple languages. Install the "None" folder to your %ULTRAENGINE%/Templates/Languages path.
  11. Oh wow, I knew this was possible but thanks for the example. I hope more couch co-op games are made because of this post.
  12. I'm under the impression this is the default start map but there is no Steam Input Code in the public Steamworks code. Is the project calling the Steamworks (Does the overlay work)? It might be Steam in the background trying to do its autowinding with the 480 aphid and something is happening. You say it's the controller, but the log is reporting an error with the sound engine. Is there any special sounds you're trying to load or play? I wouldn't know why OpenAL Soft would hate your DS4 controller.
  13. I would like the ability to hide editor icons so I can take cool screenshots/snips right from the editor!
  14. Try a manual copy. The updater broke on the XFORM project for me so I manually update the shaders each time.
  15. That's the exact opposite what it should be doing! 😭
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