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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Any post shader will fix this automaticly. This is so if you don't wish to use a post effect but you want to have the probes fixed. I plan on checking to see if the post stack of the camera, and loading this shader if the vector is empty. While the shader is light, it's not free. Also, this effects Nvidia and AMD Windows drivers.
  2. This is a blank shader that fixes an issue with the probes I brought up a while ago. I think I'm also getting a slight FPS boost, but what's important is that it doesn't seem to cost anything if you load one. Not sure why this fixes it, I was hoping I could find the fix in the probe shader but I had no luck. If anybody knows a better fix, please let me know. null.zip Before: Null Enabled:
  3. I would hook you up, but the code is pretty old and I had issues with Interpreter doing so. What functions do you need to call? Unless it's math functions, it's not worth it. If it's actor assigning, please take a look at this.
  4. Wasn't Stream::EOF() replaced with Stream::Ended()? Although EOF is faster to type, it conflicts with macros in some cases.
  5. I'll go through it again tonight. One thing I didn't like was that the beta had dependencies relating to VR and such included. I'm not sure if the actual project actually uses them. Also, you're keeping the "UltraEngine" namespace for the Ultra App Kit?
  6. This is a good step into turning the mouse look into an axis which can be set via an action binding system. You can also make a multiplier value for sensitivity. Thanks. Also, hopefully you got hold of an XInput device since the initial implementation of controller support.
  7. What is it exactly you're trying to do? You want to expose functions with glue code? Sorry for being so late, this just recently grabbed my attention.
  8. Gonna be honest, I was doing something the past week and it was really nice to youtube all my questions.
  9. All jokes aside, looks like a modern light theme.
  10. It'll probably be nice to have for the level editor too at some point.
  11. UAK is made with a mouse and keyboard in-mind. It's really made to be used for applications that use a mouse and keyboard.
  12. Really good. It seems you're almost at the finish line. Speaking of what's left to do, have you decided on vs project generation? Or are you going to do what you did in Leadwerks? (Copy solutions, rename a string macro.)
  13. The arrows and check boxes use vector graphics. This is why you need to load the svg plugin. Hopefully this was fixed/will be before release.
  14. It's been a year and a half, how did I miss this?
  15. The beta is broken and Josh has been using his time with the new engine. You can always zip package the game yourself of you need the latest beta for VR.
  16. There is a balance. Much like Slippery Brick said, reviews are the key. I think allowing for honest takes is better than paying people to talk about how wonderful something is. The Cherno is good cause he does C++ tutorials and GamesFromScratch is also good because he covers game development tools. (He did mention Leadwerks in the past.) I also wish to push videos with UAK and the new engine although I'm not really booming with charisma. I have a lot of Source Engine users following me that I'm sure would be very interested.
  17. You should make it very specific what is and isn't ok. I'm sure people will want to create their own tools to fit their needs, but I understand you not having competition/confliction with the upcoming editor. I think you can ask Games from scratch and others to get the word out and do quick run downs. I wouldn't really force this as people tend to hate the shilling on that platform. Overall the choice is there's and I think the tutorials and showcases will come naturally if the product is good.
  18. The issue is that instead of a few major forums and news sites, communities are now thousands of various discord servers. I posted it in the few I was in but that's only 0.0001%. I think once you give us the ok to start sharing public videos of the new engine/app kit on Youtube and such, more people will stumble across it. I'm sure people making UAK tutorials will help with sales.
  19. Or you can use Premake/CMake and have all projects point to where the SDK is installed.
  20. You can manipulate the character controllers values if you're using C++. Check Entity.h or Character Controller.h as I'm not near my PC atm.
  21. Yeah, this has been broke for over a year. It would be nice to have 4.6 wrapped up before the release of the new engine.
  22. And the marketplace as an alternative download. You do good work and we don't want your stuff to get lost. ?
  23. It's part of the new engine but it's going to also be its own thing.
  24. Been sharing it around and the only criticism I'm seeing is that the cross platform stretch goal is too high.
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