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  1. I have edited the gun and player script to aim down sight and have gotten it to work. Now the next thing to do is to make the scatter decrease. i have created a partial code which i want to set the scatter to what i set it to be. Here is the Code function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.ADSmode == false then self.camera:SetFOV(70) self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].offset = self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].offsetNor end if self.ADSmode == true then [u]self.scatter = self.scatterADS[/u] self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].offset = self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].offsetADS self.camera:SetFOV(30) end ScatterADS is a copy of Scatter that is setable(to change the scatter when aim down sights) this code is not working. I just uploaded a version of the code without the scatterADS. Link-http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/576-aim-down-sights/ Why does this not work
  2. So if I make the log the parent will it work
  3. In my game I have logs (are collected from trees) and I have the same script that allows you to pick up barrels in the tutorial maps attached that makes them able to be picked up and I need that script so you can build shelters. How could I make the logs have two scripts. I tried using pivots but it doesnt work.
  4. Should I have the the script be called by in script start or update world or what?
  5. how do i add imput to make it work with the flowgraph editor? Like if I want to connect it to a lever with one of the collision scripts using the flowgraph editor.
  6. i mean if you were to use the collision trigger or collision button already in leadwerks.
  7. did you set the weapons off set in the built in melee script for leadwerks as that might be the problem why the weapon isnt showing
  8. i ment like when you hit a button or lever
  9. Is there a way to change a objects collision type in game using a script?
  10. I have have been trying make a object in my game switch its mass to 0 when i hit a button. I am very new to leadwerks and dont know much about scripting but the very basics. I found a script for doing this on one of aggor/ricks forums and for some reason it redirects me to a page that says sorry can not find that file. Did he remove the file or is there just something wrong with the page?
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